[外文游泳文献] Enhancing Kinesthetic Awareness (加强动觉意识)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-7 21:10:37
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 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-7 21:11:00
In this week’s Speedo Tip of the Week, Terry Laughlin of Hawks Swimming Association offers a simple suggestion you can use to enhance your kinesthetic awareness. Swimmers can apply this suggestion to freestyle and backstroke alike.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-7 21:11:15
Bilateral: Not just Breathing

In my most recent Speedo Tip, I wrote about the benefits of breathing to both sides in freestyle. Though it may feel awkward initially, it can help reveal deeply-imprinted inefficiencies in your stroke, and the “blank slate” effect of changing sides can improve your stroke efficiency to a noticeable degree. Just as important, a change from your habitual way of swimming can take a “rote repetition” experience and make your kinesthetic awareness much keener. Here’s another simple way to do that, and one you can apply in backstroke as well.
在我最近的Speedo贴士中,我提到了关于自由泳两边呼吸的好处,尽管这个看起来有些笨拙而且原始,但它确实能解开你划臂动作中的无效部分。并且这个“Blank slate”改变换气侧能够将你的划水效率提升到一个可观的程度!非常重要的,改变你习惯的游法可以得到一种“机械重复”的经验,同时他能够使你的肌肉运动知觉更加明晰。这里有另一个简单的方法,这个方法同时也可用于仰泳的练习。
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-7 21:11:27
Which hand do you stroke with first?

This question doesn’t come up in butterfly or breaststroke, but my own swimming experience and the hundreds of swimmers I’ve coached over 30+ years tells me that most of us spend our entire swimming lives starting each lap of freestyle or backstroke with the same hand – the side we’re most comfortable breathing on.

I began swimming in 1966 and for the next 35 years I started nearly every length of freestyle with my left hand. Even when I switched from left-side breathing to bilateral 30 years ago, I continued to stroke first with my left hand, with the exception of when I worked on “sprint-type” push-offs and breakouts, stroking first with the bottom (right) arm, but not breathing until the second (left-hand) stroke.

The reason we tend to favor one side is the bilateral nature of the “wiring” in our brains. Most of us tend to have a dominant side of the brain, which dictates, for instance, whether we’re right-handed or left-handed, whether we take off from our right or left foot in springboard diving…or breathe on the right or left side initially. The other side of the brain, though less involved in directing movement skill, may offer untapped opportunity to increase skill and coordination. A simple way to tap that unused capacity is to experiment with starting your laps with the “wrong” hand.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-7 21:11:39
After 35 years of stroking first with my left hand, I had developed a habit of pushing off with my body tipped onto my right side. Here’s what I discovered and focused on when I began stroking first with my left hand:

I added some power to that first stroke. When stroking first with my left hand, from a position tipped onto my right side, I was able to tap only the power in my left arm and shoulder for that first stroke. When I stroked first with the other arm, I added the power of core-body rotation to that first stroke – increasing the distance and speed of my breakout to the surface.

I streamlined better. Because I had to concentrate more on this new movement, I was more acutely aware of little things that increased or decreased water resistance.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-7 21:11:55
My second stroke also improved. The increased awareness forced me to examine how I drove my right hand forward and set it up to anchor, as the left stroked. I found that by focusing on slicing the left hand forward and using it to pierce the water, as I took my initial stroke with the right hand, I gained even more distance and speed.

It’s critical to drive your fingertips down as you take your first breath.When I began stroking first with my right hand, I also took my first breath as I did. This wasn’t easy and took weeks to coordinate, but the concentration required taught me that it was essential to drive the fingertips of my right hand DOWN as I took that left-hand stroke and breath. This put my right hand in position to really GRIP the water for its first stroke. I then watched the swimmers I coach more closely and saw that virtually all of them were “scooping up” with the opposite hand as they took their first stroke and breath. So we made “drive your fingertips down” a key focal point on push-offs.

Bottom Line: My push-offs and breakouts got better. The concentration and effort paid off. I began to notice in practice that I was gaining precious inches on my Masters teammates on every push-off. Now I make it a habit to start all odd laps in freestyle sets with my right hand, and all even lengths with my left. Try this in your own practice and you may soon find yourself “winning” more push-offs.
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