[外文游泳文献] Sprint Taper Tips(冲刺恢复)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-12 20:59:28
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 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-12 21:00:06
This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Christine Woodruff, USA Swimming’s coaching fellow. Woodruff, a former swimmer at the University of Florida, offers advice on tapering sprinters.

One of the most difficult and unpredictable aspects of a swimmer’s season is their taper. This is even more true for sprinters and is partly attributed to physiological differences. Some research has shown that the greatest benefits from taper occur in fast-twitch muscle fiber, the type of muscle primarily used by sprinters. After about two weeks of taper, fast-twitch muscle fiber shows greatly increased muscle power, contraction speed and force. Slow-twitch muscle fibers only demonstrate marginally increased contraction speed. In theory, the more fast-twitch muscle mass a swimmer has, the more they will benefit from taper.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-12 21:00:41
Tapers generally average between 14 and 28 days, and can usually be determined by the following factors which relate to muscle mass:

•         Length of event: shorter events, like the 50, require more power and therefore more rest
•         Gender: men generally need a longer taper due to greater muscle mass
•         Age: recovery time is longer for older swimmers and typically they have more muscle mass
•         Training Consistency: certain studies show that a year-round swimmer will benefit more from taper than a seasonal swimmer
•         Length of season: a longer season allows for a longer taper
•         Height: can sometimes be overlooked as a factor. Tall, thin swimmers may have more muscle mass than they appear to have because it is stretched over a larger frame
•        比赛项目的长度:更短的项目,比如50m,需要更大的力量,因此需要更多的休息。
•        性别:男性一般需要更长时间恢复,因为他们有更多的肌肉群。
•        年龄:年长的游泳运动员,需要更长的恢复时间,因为他们有更多的肌肉群。
•        训练连贯性:某些研究显示,一个整年(坚持训练)的游泳运动员会比季度的游泳运动员从恢复中获得更多的好处。
•        赛季的长度:长赛季就需要长恢复期。
•        体重:有时会成为一个被人忽略的因素。高,瘦的运动员的肌肉比表明上看起来的多,因为肌肉在一个更大的骨骼框架内被拉伸。
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-12 21:00:56
Taper is something that should be tailored to the individual.  Coaches can adapt and perfect an athlete’s taper after each season by observing how each athlete responds. A longer taper should involve a gradual increase in recovery sessions, along with a gradual decrease in aerobic threshold training. One of the most important parts of a sprinter’s taper is finding the balance between resting enough for the muscles to adequately recover, but not so much that they begin to deteriorate.

Note: There are always exceptions to the generalities of a taper. An athlete’s coach is the most qualified person to determine what kind of taper is best for them, and it might be contrary to these guidelines.
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