[外文游泳文献] 凯蒂.霍夫(katie Hoff)的陆上训练

小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-12 21:05:13
11908 8
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-12 21:05:30

How to do it: Start by lying flat on your back, with arms over your head and feet outstretched. Lift the feet just off the ground prior to your first rep. while keeping legs and arms straight, bring feet and hands as close together as your strength and flexibility allow. The goal is to touch fingers to toes at the top. Then lower the feet, torso and hands back to the staring position, and repeat.

How to do it like Katie: Never allow your feet to touch the ground, and don’t lie so far back with your torso that your abs relax. Keep your toes pointed as much as you can, and keep your legs and arms as straight as possible through the entire exercise. Use the abdominal muscles to bring hands and feet together.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-12 21:05:41
This is Katie’s favorite exercise, so she does sets of increasing reps (5, 10, 15, 20, 25), taking enough rest between reps to maintain perfect form, and sometimes stretching between sets. She sometimes likes to max these out, focusing on maintaining her form for more than 50 straight V-Ups.
这个是Katie最喜欢的动作,她在做这个动作时每组的重复次数也在增加(5, 10, 15, 20, 25),为了保证动作的准确,每次重复之前休息足够的时间,有时在组与组之间还要做伸展运动。有时候她会加量,主要是体会在做50个V-Up的时候,如何保证动作的准确。

Mix in some stretching, some other fun ab exercises, and you’ve got a dryland routine that just might get you into Olympian condition – as long as you do it a lot.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-12 21:05:52

Here are three ab exercises to help improve your IM transition turns.

If you think all it takes is a lot of swimming to qualify for the U.S. Olympic and World Championship teams, you’re in for a surprise. While there’s nothing better for swimming than swimming, mere time in the water can’t give you the overload or core-strength advantages that dryland can. And if you think throwing in a few daily sit-ups will do the trick, you’re in for another surprise.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-12 21:06:04
Swimming world Magazine takes a look at Katie Hoff’s favorite dryland exercises that she uses to help improve her transition turns in the 200 and 400 IM. Katie, who at 15 was the youngest member of the 2004 U.S. Olympic team, finished seventh in the 200 IM at the Olympics last year and won both IMs at the 2005 U.S World Championship Trials in April.
游泳世界杂志观察了Katie Hoff最喜欢的几个陆地训练动作,这些动作有助于帮助改善她的200米和400米混合泳的转身。Katie Hoff,在她仅有15岁的时候成为美国2004年奥运会游泳队中最年轻的选手,当时她取得了200米个人混合泳的第17名,但在2005年在美国举行的世界锦标赛上,她取得了所有的混合泳的胜利。

Katie is coached by Paul Yetter of the North Baltimore Aquatic Club. He tells us that Katie varies her dryland routine throughout the season, but that during peak training time, she averages 500 ab-specific reps per day.
Katie隶属于北巴尔的摩水上俱乐部的成员,教练是Paul Yetter。他告诉我们,在整个赛季中,Katie也在不停的变换她的陆上训练程序。但在训练的高峰期,它基本上每天都要完成500个特定的陆上训练动作。
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-12 21:06:16
To make sure that Katie’s abdominal muscles stay as supple as possible during periods of heavy training, she interlaces ab exercises with stomach stretches (lying face down) as well as yoga-positioning exercises. These keep her joints flexible so that she has maximum range of motion when she returns to the water.

Coach Yetter reports that Katie’s rest is based on her ability to complete the set correctly (i.e., with perfect form).
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-12 21:06:28
Modified Bike

How to do it: hold your hand behind your head and raise your back approximately 45 degrees off the ground. Hold both feet off the floor, and touch one knee at a time to the opposite elbow.

How to do it like Katie: keep your toes pointed through the entire set. Move slowly and precisely rather than racing through the reps. Make sure you’re getting full range of motion, or rotation, through the torso. A sample set would be 12 set of 12 reps with appropriate rest between each set. Do fewer reps and/or take more rest in order to maintain correct form.

As Katie stretches to the wall, she is almost in the start position for V-Ups.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-12 21:06:41
Right cross/Left cross

How to do it: lie flat on your back with one arm outstretched perpendicular to your body. Hold the other arm behind your head. Cross the leg opposite your bent arm over your other leg. Touch your bent arm to your crossed knee, using the abs to lift your torso off the floor.

How to it like Katie: begin and end each rep with your back flat on the floor. Don’t shorten this or stop early. Work on full range of motion. Make sure the palm of the outstretched arm is facing down toward the mat.

Do 10 to 12 reps, then switch knee/arm positions and repeat on the other side.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-12 21:06:52
After 50 V-Ups in a row and 300 sets of Modified Bike, this kind of tight tuck should feel easy. The tighter the tuck, the more quickly you will rotate.

If this looks like a water version of Right Cross/Left Cross, you’re right. Stay in a tight tuck as you continue to spin your feet to the wall
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