[外文游泳文献] Can I swim with fever?

小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-23 20:14:42
11521 3
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-23 20:14:53
When you have a cold or a temperature or even a flu you may wonder if it is really necessary to stay in bed or if you could go for a swim.

Competitive athletes prefer to swim every day - even if they are ill or feel a little bit dizzy. This is the experience of everyone who is or was a "real athlete". Thus, many swimmers, in particular the motivated and ambitious ones, go for their workouts even when they have a temperature.

Colds and flus are infectious diseases which can be dangerous for high performance athletes. Even if you have an infection which does not manifest as an illness, i.e. you only feel tired or out of shape, can have severe consequences.


Most colds and flu-like illnesses are caused by viruses. There are a great many of viruses which can cause these symptoms. Bacterial infections are in most cases the consequences of a primary viral infection. Bacteria thrive on the cell debris caused by the viruses. Bacterial complications are: Infections of nose and pharynx, sinuses, infections of the bronchi, the lungs and the middle ear.
Fever can accompany the infection, however, it is not a mandatory sign.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-23 20:15:04

Many cold- and flu-viruses are able to cross the superficial lining, the mucous membrane, of the nose, pharynx and respiratory tract.
Then it gets dangerous: These viruses can attack the heart valves and the heart muscle. Repeated infections of the heart can lead to a sudden death during heavy exercise, as it was observed with many well known top level athletes who went to the limit under fever.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-23 20:15:16
For competitive athletes it is important to note:

Going for the record in workouts and competitions enhances the ability of viruses during an infection to enter the blood stream. Viruses in the blood steam increase the risk of the heart valves and muscle to get infected.
Going for the record means you are more at risk that this infection will lead to an irreversible damage.

We recommend:

No workouts when you have a temperature
If you have a cold with a sore throat: No workouts
If you have a cold, no temp, no sore throat, i.e. only a running nose, you may swim, but only at a very low - aerobic - pace. No anaerobic and speed work. Check your heart rate to be sure.
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