[外文游泳文献] Lauren Rogers: Taking it to the next level (12/22/2008)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-5-11 21:32:51
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 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-5-11 21:33:05
For some people, being compared to one of the greatest female athletes the world has ever seen might be a burden.

But for Lauren Rogers, being mentioned in the same sentence with Natalie Coughlin is an honor.

Not only did Rogers also swim at the same club at Coughlin – the Terrapin Swim Club in Concord, Calif. -- but she also graduated from the same high school (Cardonelet High) and swims one of the 11-time Olympic medalist's best events, the 100 backstroke.

She is also excited about joining her swimming idol on the 2008-09 U.S. National team.

“Following and swimming in Natalie's shadow was hard sometimes, and I was compared to her quite often, but it was also very flattering,” said Rogers, an All-American at Coughlin's alma mater, the University of California-Berkeley. “For people to compare me to Natalie's success and expect me to live up to them is a great compliment.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-5-11 21:33:17
“Although I do not hold many high school swimming records or club team records because Natalie holds most of them, I think following after her was a great learning experience for me. It taught me never to rest and to always expect more of myself.”

After a stellar summer which included a top four finish in the 100 back at the U.S. Olympic Swimming Trials and a third-place finish in the same event at the U.S. Open, Rogers is striving for even better results in 2009 and beyond.

A senior at Cal, Rogers has her sites set on winning her first individual NCAA title and continuing to prepare for next summer's World University Games – her second WUGs but first since the summer before her freshman year in 2005.

Her Trials experience gave her some valuable insight into meet preparation and event management and appreciation – something she will use to her advantage at NCAAs and next summer in Serbia.

“I learned that being relaxed and enjoying the moment is a much better way to swim fast than getting all nervous and worked up,” said Rogers, who placed fifth in the 100 back at 2004 Trials. “I was having so much fun at Trials that I didn't even notice the pressure, and I think that worked out great for me. I can honestly say that this year's Trials were one of the most fun meets I have ever been to as well as one of my most successful.”
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-5-11 21:33:36
Even though she only improved a spot between 2004 and 2008, Rogers said she knows her maturity at this year's meet results in healthy, motivating stress which helped her perform and place at a higher level.

“Trials in 2004 were just for fun for me,” Rogers said. “I went in not expecting to make the team but just to see what it was like, and I ended up doing well. This year, I went in knowing I had a legitimate chance of making the team and hoping to do better than last time so there was definitely more pressure.”

Considering how much Rogers has always enjoying being in the water, her continued success is almost expected. As a six-year-old, she joined a recreational summer league and loved it so much she stayed in the pool most of the day, literally having to be dragged out of the water most evenings.

A coach from the nearby Terrapins Swim Team recognized her talent and recruited her to swim as a  10-year-old, and she quickly began to advance in the sport and drop times.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-5-11 21:33:50
She credits her training with the Terrapins as the foundation for where she is now and where she's determined to be in the future.

“I am so thankful for my club swimming,” Rogers said. “I definitely would not be where I am today without them. They not only gave me a great base endurance training so that now I don't have to do so much that but they also gave me a family away from my family. The friends that I made there and the coaches were all really close to me, and they are what kept me interested in swimming for so long.”

Once her senior season with the Bears is over, Rogers will continue to train for WUGs, another step she believes will continue to help her develop into the best swimmer and person she can be.

“I feel like there is more pressure in representing your entire country at an international meet instead of just your club team,” said Rogers, who won silver in the 50 back but finished sixth in the 100 at 2005 WUGs. “I was quite nervous the last time I went and did not swim well. This time, I'm going just to enjoy all the benefits that swimming can provide, such as a making new friends from around the country as well as internationally.”
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