小臭贝 发表于 2011-6-7 20:56:46
9429 1
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-6-7 20:57:08
"I'm not a player I just ... OK, fine. I'm a player."

Mag.com: You shaved your goatee?
Michael Phelps: I actually had a mustache yesterday. I just clipped it. It wasn't a full shave. I had a full mustache yesterday and I figured I should look clean and presentable for my mom if I'm dressing up.

When we spoke last, you said you had only worked out twice since the Olympics and it was the most painful practice ever. Have you started working out yet?
I've been doing some cross training things. I've been running a little bit, playing some soccer and racquetball. I've swam a few other times, but besides that I haven't been doing much.

Are you still single or are you dating around?
I'm still single. I am single.

What's better about being a player than being tied down?
I just don't like having anything to worry about. I like not having a commitment and being able to do whatever I want to do.

You don't like the baggage.
(Laughs) Noooo baggage.

If there is one celebrity you'd want to date who would it be?
It's hard to say. There's so many gorgeous people out there. Megan Fox is pretty cute from Transformers. She's pretty hot.

Did you see her on the GQ cover?
I saw her there and she was on another one. I have the GQ one. I read the GQ one.

Not much reading probably. What else have you been up to lately?
Traveling around, seeing some friends, sleeping late, being lazy. That's about it.

When do you plan to get back into the swing of things?
I'm going to start doing some things on my own coming up. Slowly get back into it and gradually build myself back into some kind of shape so when I do get back into it hard in January, I'm not completely out of it.
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