[初阶泳者] 成就游泳冠军-青少年蛙泳英文高清版-基础篇

iswim 发表于 2014-5-9 17:59:11
83225 154

Becoming a champion swimmer
- Drills and Skills that help you become a champion swimmer
My name is Richard Quick and I’d like to introduce to you Vivian Wong and Steven Chen, and Vivian and Steven are from the Deck Swim Club. And they’re going to help me present these skills and drills to you. Now I think it’s important for you to understand they’ve never worked with me before, I’ve never met them before today, but we’re gonna see if our drills and our skills can be taught to people that they have never done before, just like your situation.
我的名字叫Richard Quick,我想想大家介绍来自Deck游泳俱乐部的Vivian 王和Steven 陈。他们将帮我向大家演示这些技巧和训练。有一点很重要,请大家理解他们从来没跟我训练过,在今天之前我也从未见过他们。我们看看这些训练和技巧能否教给从未做过的人,就像你们一样
The foundation of successful swimming is developing an understanding of and a  feel for proper posture, line and balance. In our freestyle video, we establish those“posture, line and bounce” drills and skills, but they’re applicable for all the strokes, so let’s take a look at that chapter now.
We’re gonna start from the basics. I would like you to just take a deep breath of air, and don’t let any air bubbles out, and just completely relax and hang in the water. Ready…go! Just hang, dead man float, dead man. Don’t try to get your legs up, just completely let the water do with your body what it will. When you need a breath, just raise your head without using your arms or legs, get a breath and then go right back down and hold your breath. No…you use your hands….don’t use your hands at all. See how her body torques in the water, that’s OK. Just let your arms hang down, Steven. Good job, good job. Alright now, relax. May I have your attention, good.请你们先深吸一口气,不要在水里吐出气泡,完全放松悬在水里。预备…开始!只要悬着,像死尸一样漂浮。不要把腿抬起来,任水自由流过。当你需要呼吸的时候,不要动手和腿,就抬起头,吸一口气,接着把头低下,屏住呼吸。不对…你用手了…不要用手。看她(Vivian)的身体在水里有点扭动,没关系。把手垂下来Steven,很好,很好,现在放松。好的现在看我这里,很好。This time, I want you to do what we called a pencil float. I want you put your arms right here, inside your pockets, right there. We called it arms in the saddles. Right in front, legs together, toes pointed, get to take a deep breath and let’s see how vertical, how straight up and down you can be in the water. OK. Ready……Go! Good, now bring your chin back in line, so that you straight up and down. Good, alright relax.现在,我想让你们做铅笔漂浮练习。你们把手臂放在这儿,插口袋的位置。我们称作手臂在马鞍上。手臂在前方,两腿并拢,脚尖绷直,深吸一口气,我们来看看你能在水里多垂直,多直上直下。准备好…….开始。好的,现在把下巴收回身体直线内,这样你就能垂直上下浮动。好的…放松。
So when I say pencil, I want you to think about trying to have your lower lip floating in the water when you get a breath. Then, when you want to have a breath here, I want you to just get your mouth up out of the water, barely out of the water and get right back in, but I never want you to use your arms and legs. Because what happens then, if you’re swimming freestyle, and you used to using your hands and feet, whenever you take a breath, that what you’re gonna do. You are going to press down or press away or something like that to get your head out of water. We want you just rotate, and we will talk more about that later.We want your breath to be a part of your body rhythm; we don’t want it to be anything different. So let’s get to used take a breath of air right at the surface of the water. Ready…… Pencil! You still came up just a little bit but much better. Legs together, toes pointed……yes…… yes. Relax, much, much better. You get a better job of getting your first breath with your lips right on the surface of the water.(06:34)所以,当我说铅笔漂浮,我希望你们能想着让下嘴唇紧贴着水面呼吸。接着,当你想呼吸的时候,我希望你只把嘴抬离水面,仅仅离开水面然后就回位,但我绝不希望你们用上手和腿。因为如果那样的话,当你们游自由泳时习惯了用手和脚帮忙,只要你们一呼吸,就会用上手和脚。你们会向下压水、向旁拨水或者有诸如此类动作,以便让你的头抬出水面。我希望(游自由泳时)你们只让身体扭转,这个话题我们迟一点儿还会谈到。我想让呼吸变成你们身体节奏的一部分,而不希望它独立于身体节奏。因此,让我们习惯于在水面处呼吸。预备…铅笔漂浮!你出水还是高了一点儿,但是好多了。两腿并拢,脚趾绷直…对了,没错。现在放松,好多了。你在第一次呼吸的时候做得更好。
Let us look at the pencil drill under water. Notice I ‘d like to have the legs together, the toes pointed, ribs in…so you have a flat back, and the arms are in the saddle, which means they are on the front part. The hands wind up on the front part of the thighs. Now your chins in, and you’re trying to be absolutely vertical. If somebody is not pointing their toes, that means they may be balancing on their feet or let their legs separate. You want to keep your legs together, so that you learn to balance inside your body, and not on your arms or legs. (07:17)   

LADEN2001 发表于 2017-11-1 12:06:34
Becoming a champion swimmer
- Drills and Skills that help you become a champion swimmer
My name is Richard Quick and I’d like to introduce to you Vivian Wong and Steven Chen, and Vivian and Steven are from the Deck Swim Club. And they’re going to help me present these skills and drills to you. Now I think it’s important for you to understand they’ve never worked with me before, I’ve never met them before today, but we’re gonna see if our drills and our skills can be taught to people that they have never done before, just like your situation.
我的名字叫Richard Quick,我想想大家介绍来自Deck游泳俱乐部的Vivian 王和Steven 陈。他们将帮我向大家演示这些技巧和训练。有一点很重要,请大家理解他们从来没跟我训练过,在今天之前我也从未见过他们。我们看看这些训练和技巧能否教给从未做过的人,就像你们一样
The foundation of successful swimming is developing an understanding of and a  feel for proper posture, line and balance. In our freestyle video, we establish those“posture, line and bounce” drills and skills, but they’re applicable for all the strokes, so let’s take a look at that chapter now.
We’re gonna start from the basics. I would like you to just take a deep breath of air, and don’t let any air bubbles out, and just completely relax and hang in the water. Ready…go! Just hang, dead man float, dead man. Don’t try to get your legs up, just completely let the water do with your body what it will. When you need a breath, just raise your head without using your arms or legs, get a breath and then go right back down and hold your breath. No…you use your hands….don’t use your hands at all. See how her body torques in the water, that’s OK. Just let your arms hang down, Steven. Good job, good job. Alright now, relax. May I have your attention, good.请你们先深吸一口气,不要在水里吐出气泡,完全放松悬在水里。预备…开始!只要悬着,像死尸一样漂浮。不要把腿抬起来,任水自由流过。当你需要呼吸的时候,不要动手和腿,就抬起头,吸一口气,接着把头低下,屏住呼吸。不对…你用手了…不要用手。看她(Vivian)的身体在水里有点扭动,没关系。把手垂下来Steven,很好,很好,现在放松。好的现在看我这里,很好。This time, I want you to do what we called a pencil float. I want you put your arms right here, inside your pockets, right there. We called it arms in the saddles. Right in front, legs together, toes pointed, get to take a deep breath and let’s see how vertical, how straight up and down you can be in the water. OK. Ready……Go! Good, now bring your chin back in line, so that you straight up and down. Good, alright relax.现在,我想让你们做铅笔漂浮练习。你们把手臂放在这儿,插口袋的位置。我们称作手臂在马鞍上。手臂在前方,两腿并拢,脚尖绷直,深吸一口气,我们来看看你能在水里多垂直,多直上直下。准备好…….开始。好的,现在把下巴收回身体直线内,这样你就能垂直上下浮动。好的…放松。LADEN2001,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复
So when I say pencil, I want you to think about trying to have your lower lip floating in the water when you get a breath. Then, when you want to have a breath here, I want you to just get your mouth up out of the water, barely out of the water and get right back in, but I never want you to use your arms and legs. Because what happens then, if you’re swimming freestyle, and you used to using your hands and feet, whenever you take a breath, that what you’re gonna do. You are going to press down or press away or something like that to get your head out of water. We want you just rotate, and we will talk more about that later.We want your breath to be a part of your body rhythm; we don’t want it to be anything different. So let’s get to used take a breath of air right at the surface of the water. Ready…… Pencil! You still came up just a little bit but much better. Legs together, toes pointed……yes…… yes. Relax, much, much better. You get a better job of getting your first breath with your lips right on the surface of the water.(06:34)所以,当我说铅笔漂浮,我希望你们能想着让下嘴唇紧贴着水面呼吸。接着,当你想呼吸的时候,我希望你只把嘴抬离水面,仅仅离开水面然后就回位,但我绝不希望你们用上手和腿。因为如果那样的话,当你们游自由泳时习惯了用手和脚帮忙,只要你们一呼吸,就会用上手和脚。你们会向下压水、向旁拨水或者有诸如此类动作,以便让你的头抬出水面。我希望(游自由泳时)你们只让身体扭转,这个话题我们迟一点儿还会谈到。我想让呼吸变成你们身体节奏的一部分,而不希望它独立于身体节奏。因此,让我们习惯于在水面处呼吸。预备…铅笔漂浮!你出水还是高了一点儿,但是好多了。两腿并拢,脚趾绷直…对了,没错。现在放松,好多了。你在第一次呼吸的时候做得更好。
Let us look at the pencil drill under water. Notice I ‘d like to have the legs together, the toes pointed, ribs in…so you have a flat back, and the arms are in the saddle, which means they are on the front part. The hands wind up on the front part of the thighs. Now your chins in, and you’re trying to be absolutely vertical. If somebody is not pointing their toes, that means they may be balancing on their feet or let their legs separate. You want to keep your legs together, so that you learn to balance inside your body, and not on your arms or legs. (07:17)   

 楼主| iswim 发表于 2014-5-9 18:00:03
白色曼陀罗 发表于 2014-5-9 20:47:26
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2014-5-9 22:06:54
武汉拈花一笑 发表于 2014-5-10 08:17:10
jackyzm 发表于 2014-5-12 08:28:17

sgkylzb 发表于 2014-5-13 14:06:26
小燕子 发表于 2014-5-16 10:11:29
1091108151 发表于 2014-5-17 07:50:28
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firetop 发表于 2014-5-20 09:04:34
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游泳科学:优化水中运动表现的技术、体能、营养和康复指导 是全面展现游泳运动科学知识与运动表现提升的专业指导书。全书从游泳运动的发展历程、科研发现、装备与技术革新,以及这项运动所涉及的运动员生理、心理和技术层面的理论与实践讲起,通过科学图表与数据分析,将优化游泳运动表现的重要方面——技术、体能、营养和康复进行了细致地讲解。书中还重点介绍了游泳训练的方法,包括泳池训练和陆上训练两部分,旨在帮助游泳教练、运动员及爱好者形成标准化的训练体系,有效提升游泳运动表现。
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