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2021-6-17 09:53| 发布者: admin| 查看: 914| 评论: 72 |原作者: iswim

Position 11 - Triple Switch, helps you build a balanced and rhythmic freestyle. It’s just like our last drill…Single Switch…except that you’ll get into Position 11 THREE times before you roll to y ...
Position 11 - Triple Switch, helps you build a balanced and rhythmic freestyle. It’s just like our last drill…Single Switch…except that you’ll get into Position 11 THREE times before you roll to your back.
Start in Extended Balance on Your Back. Roll Nose Down, pause, then bring your trailing arm into Position 11. Pause in 11, then take a complete stroke with the original extended arm and bring it back into Position 11. Pause, then take a complete stroke with the other arm and bring it back into Position 11. Then roll immediately from Position 11 into Extended Balance on Your Back.
Hang out in Extended Balance. Take a breath. Check your body position. Then roll into Nose Down and start a new cycle. Get into Position 11 THREE times…there’s 1…2…3…and then roll into Extended Balance on Your Back.
As you practice this drill, don’t rush any of the steps. Take your time and pause at each new position. As you pull and switch arms, your body should rotate just a bit...but your head should remain steady and your eyes should stay focused on the bottom of the pool. The idea is to keep the head stable and let your core body do the rotation.
As you do your switches and as you roll to your back, try to keep your head nice and low. Don’t pop up as you roll to your back.
Once you get the hang of the drill, try to add rhythm to your switches. You can say to yourself “extend…extend…extend” each time your hands get to Position 11.

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