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2021-6-17 09:55| 发布者: admin| 查看: 901| 评论: 72 |原作者: iswim

This exercise uses multiple positions you’ve already learned.Start in the ready position. Drop to a push on your back.Pull one hand back to your side and end up in the balance position with the arm ...
This exercise uses multiple positions you’ve already learned.
Start in the ready position.

Drop to a push on your back.
Pull one hand back to your side and end up in the balance position with the arm extended with your eyes up.
Once you feel comfortable with your eyes looking up, grab a good breath and swivel your head so your eyes are looking at the bottom.
Right now, the only thing you should be thinking about is how you would swivel your head if you look from right to left, or left to right. In this drill, looking forward is discouraged because it will make it harder to rotate the head, and the hips will sink.
You’ll notice that when the swimmer is looking up, his body rotates a bit more onto the back. When he’s looking down, the body will roll onto the side. Remember, the degree of rotation is not nearly as important as the degree of comfort.
To really tie things together, you can also think about how you use your hand out front. To make sure you’re not using it for leverage, you can practice this saying, “eyes up, palm up, eyes down, palm down.”
Make sure you practice this on both sides, and if you want to integrate another skill into the mix…
Get into the balance position with your arm extended and nose UP.
Then rotate to the nose down position.
Then rotate back to the nose up position.
Then recover the trailing arm, take a backstroke pull, and end up in the nose up balanced position on the other side.
This dynamic balance drills will really sharpen your bodyline.

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