楼主: swimsmooth

[初阶泳者] 五步改变你在水中的姿态----让你不费力就游得更快的方法

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-4-25 00:20:35
The kick starts from pressing down with the hip and thigh bone and then whips through a relaxed knee and ankle with a momentary contraction of the quads.

Whew. Sounds tricky.

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-4-25 00:20:47
To simplify things, your biggest opportunity lies in keeping your ankles as loose and your feets as floppy as possible. When you swim with fins, everything feels easier. This is because the fins are rubber and bend for you. You are trying to get the same feeling with your bare feet.

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-4-25 00:20:58
Solution: Swim with fins and without and try to zero in on the floopy ankle feeling with both. Try kicking in all positions (side, back, front and vertically, if your pool is deep enough). A floppy ankle is more likely to finish each kick with the foot in a generally more pointed streamline position, than if your ankle is tense.

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-4-25 00:21:10
Trying different kicking rhythms, fast to slow and different amplitudes, will also really help you figure out what works best.

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-4-25 00:21:21
It is challenging to relax the ankle and knee to some extent while kicking with some intent from the upper leg and hip.  But the pay off is huge, as you'll be able to get propulsion, stability and leverage for your freestyle stroke without a huge amplitude, high drag, energy consuming kick.

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-4-25 00:21:33
Final Words

Overall, if you are swimming with a choppy stroke and not spending time on drills and slow swimming, you're going to find it different to develop body awareness of your posture and joint extension.


 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-4-25 00:21:45
Swimming long and tall in the water can make a HUGE difference in your speed. Imagine swimming with fins all the time - that could be you without fins. Seriously.

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-4-25 00:22:00
Slow things down, experiment with range of motion and posture and you'll start to see results, sometimes right away.


coffee 发表于 2012-5-4 00:29:09
黑马 发表于 2012-5-16 11:19:28
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