[初阶泳者] 怎么游得更快 头部的位置更重要 译文-SeaHiker

deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:44:48
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How to Swim with A Neutral Head Position
September 10, 2012 - 1:08pm — peter
by Peter Scott, Sea Hiker Coach
Fall is almost upon us. And as we move kicking and screaming to the pool, it's time to think about off-season pool swimming and training.
Now is a great opportunity to make advancements in your swimming skills without the pressure of the spring and summer goals cresting on the horizon


If you could pick just one thing to work on, this fall, to improve your swimming a lot, what would it be?


Improve your head position, especially on each breathing stroke


 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:48:02
The most difficult thing about swimming is controlling your head position. In the photo below, I'm exaggerating what happens when the head (and also lead arm) are just too high. Even if your hips sink an inch more than they should for your stroke style, the increase in drag is really, really big. You can also see the curve in my spine.


 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:50:06
If you've ever tried swimming nose down, looking down at the bottom of the pool, with your chin tucked in slightly, you probably had a little voice whispering in your ear to look up, just a little. Look up!  Just a little. Just a peek.  Go on, go on, go on, go on!

如果你游泳时尝试鼻子朝下,直视泳池底部, 轻含下巴这种姿势,你的潜意识会一直告诉你稍微抬一下头,就一点点,来吧来吧来吧~
 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:50:21
And then when you get a little water in your mouth, or up your nose a bit, the voice gets stronger and more insistent. And the urge to lift your head just a little becomes almost unbearable. By far the most difficult thing I see swimmers struggle with at every level is keeping the head position neutral so that they stay balanced.

当你嘴里喝了一点儿水或者鼻子抬起一点儿的时候,这种心理就会越来越强烈,甚至不可抗拒的。目前为止,我观察到大部分游泳者,不管水平高低, 他们最大的问题就是设法控制头部位置进而保持平衡。
 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:50:42
Your head position controls your whole body.

If you look forward just a little too much or lift your head when you breathe your back arches and your hips sink. Then it's very easy to start using your lead arm to push up slightly to stop yourself from sinking. And then your stroke really starts to break down and you get tired and slower.

 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:50:56
On the other hand, if you tilt your head too far down your hips ride up too high and you begin to submarine as your speed increases.
Breathing becomes nigh impossible.  Discomfort or awkwardness with breathing is the source of most freestyle technique problems.
Greater awareness and control of your head position, especially when breathing, means better swimming overall:

另一方面,如果你过底低头,你的屁股就会过程抬高,形成头低屁股高的样子,当速度提高的时候就会往水下钻。这让呼吸几乎不可能。 不舒适或者笨拙的呼吸几乎是所有自由泳技术问题的根源.呼吸时良好的头部位置感及控制能力能全面提高技术.
 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:51:08
Newer swimmers: While you have learned about how lifting the head makes swimming much harder work, you have less awareness of how to fix that while you swim because you're dealing with so many new sensations. That's why it's a good idea to do your drills as relaxed as possible, with fins, for example, so you can learn how to breathe without sacrificing balance and working harder as a result.

 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:51:27
Intermediate swimmers: You have a better sense of your head position but find sometimes that awareness fades you pick up the pace or distance. Greater intensity makes things fall apart and it can feel like you're going back to square one.

 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:51:38
Advanced swimmers: You should aim to constantly monitor your head position and other ways to improve balance and reduce drag, even as you push the pace. By this point, it is a lot more consistent, but it can still go off the rails. At higher speeds, being out of balance with a head position that is slightly off, means a much greater loss of efficiency because of the drag forces acting against you. It pays to improve your head position at every level of swimming skil!

高阶泳者: 你应该持续不断的注意自己头部位置,提高平衡,降低阻力,即使在你增加单划划距的时候。通过这一点,会有好的连续性,但仍然有可能偏离。在更快的速度的时候,即使头部位置有轻微的偏离,也会大大影响效率。改进头部位置对任何阶段的游泳者都会有帮助。
 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:51:49
The Correct Head Position
There is lots of discussion about what the ideal head position should be and it can get downright nasty! Quite simply the best head position for you is the one that:
reduces drag to a minimum
keeps your neck relaxed and safe while turning it to breathe
keeps your body balanced
And allows you to breathe easily to both sides

1 最大可能的减小阻力
2 在呼吸的时候保证脖子放松和安全
3 保持身体平衡
4 能够在两侧轻松呼吸
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