楼主: deam

[初阶泳者] 怎么游得更快 头部的位置更重要 译文-SeaHiker

 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:52:01
We all have different body types, lung capacities and buoyancy. So you have to fine tune the head position for your own body type and stroke style.
•        For most swimmers, especially men, this will mean looking straight down at the bottom of the pool, and tucking in your chin slightly. You will need to focus more on body rotation to breathe, however. But that's a good thing, as it helps reduce drag even more.
•        For others, this will be looking slightly forward, up to a 45 degree angle, to keep the hips from floating too high and the feet spinning helplessly at the surface. But this can come with extra neck tension, and possibly lower back fatigue, so spend time fine tuning so that you stay relaxed. Be especially careful if you twist your neck to breathe, as this often causes soreness and even injury.
•        For a rare few, looking straight ahead can work. Like Ian Thorpe who needs his size 17 feet to be submerged well underwater. But we don't recommend you start off that way.
Here's a photo of the better head position for my body type in the streamline drill. This awareness gives me more confidence when swimming in full stroke because I have a much better feel for what true balance is supposed to be. Note how the hips, lungs and head all line up parallel to the surface (the camera is tilted!):

我们有不同的体形,肺活量及浮力。 所以你需要根据你自己的身体和泳姿来调整头部位置。
1 对大多数人来说,尤其是男性,眼睛垂直看向池底,下巴微缩是好的头部位置。虽然因此需要更加关注躯干滚动,但它更能够帮助我们降低阻力。
2 对其它人来说,需要头部微抬,最大45度,以便防止屁股升起过高及降低打腿效率。虽然这种姿势会让脖子有轻微拉伸,但同时也会降低背部的疲劳程度。因此花些时间寻找适合自己的头部位置,以便游泳的时候保持轻松。转动脖子呼吸的时候要尤其小心,这时候常常会有不适感甚至受伤。
3 有极少数人, 直视前方也可以。像需要把十七号大脚充分浸入水中的Ian Thorpe 。但是我们不希望你像他那样。
 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:52:42
Here's a photo of the better head position for my body type in the streamline drill. This awareness gives me more confidence when swimming in full stroke because I have a much better feel for what true balance is supposed to be. Note how the hips, lungs and head all line up parallel to the surface (the camera is tilted!):



 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:55:22
The Neutral Head Position
So your goal is a neutral head position - which is defined as the head position that makes swimming easier, faster, and more relaxed. Here's a simple exercise to improve this essential foundation to your swimming:
Streamline Drill with Progressive Head Turns for Breath
In streamline (with and without fins), practice turning your head very slowly as you breathe (use a nose clip if necessary), focusing on keeping the top of your head in the water and your neck relaxed. You can also combine this with a switch, a few strokes, or hand push drills.
Try the following sequence with several repetitions of each step in the progression:
 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:56:07
Step 1: 45 degreee head turn: Relax your neck, find your neutral head position. Turn your head slightly to the side, a small nod, to about 45 degrees. (You won't be able to breathe in!) Then let your neck relax, again, nose down. Can you do this and be sure that your neck stays loose and you maintain your balance? Do no more than two slow nods per breath, then stop, stand up and rest.



 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:56:59
Step 2: 90 degree head turn: Same as above, but now your goal is to turn your head until your nose is touching the surface, and you have the top of your head in the water, and you can still see underwater with one eye.



 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:58:06
Step 3: 90 degree head turn + a bit more: Now, just go a little bit further. This is the tricky bit. You'll want to lift or tilt your head to "see the air" you're going to breathe for that extra bit of reassurance. Don't do that. Instead, just try to feel your head floating in the water (as opposed to you holding it up out of the water), as you swivel your head so that your chin and nose are both further out of the water.



 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:58:19
If you have trouble with this exercise, get too much water up your nose, try it with a nose clip or a mask. The key is to really, really slow it down so that you can sense whether your head is lifting out of the water or not.  
Can't tell?
Lift or tilt your head on purpose. Make it obvious at first and then make it subtle. Once you do it wrong you will have something to compare your attempts to breathe without lifting your head to.

 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:58:33
How to Apply This to Your Swimming
1. On every push off in the pool, readjust your head position by tilting it downward or upward to neutral so that you feel yourself floating in the water, not pushing into it. Try to maintain that feeling for the first half of each length. How long can you maintain the gliding feeling of balance?
2. After each breath, try to readjust your head to be neutral. See how different breathing patterns affect your ability to do so.
•        Breathing every 2 strokes to the right
•        Breathing every 2 strokes to the left
•        Breathing every 3 strokes
•        Breathing every 4 strokes to the right
•        Breathing every 4 strokes to the left
•        Breathing every 5 strokes
•        怎么在游泳中应用如上练习

1 每次在蹬壁出发的时候,生新调整你的头部位置到中性位置,感受自己漂在水面的感觉。不要试图推进,试着在前半程保持这种感觉,你能在多远距离保持这种感觉?
2 每次呼吸后,试着重新调整头部到中性位置。试一下如下呼吸方式对你的影响
 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:58:54
Try these with and without fins and rest a lot so that you can improve the technique of turning your head to breathe and the body awareness of your balance before, during and after each breath.
What should swimming with good breathing habits feel like?
Swim 5-7 strokes with good balance and don't breathe at all or turn your head. If you feel it's easier, smooth, gliding, and fluid, that's the feeling you're aiming for overall in your stroke.
It's not easy. Breathing while staying balanced is one of the trickiest things to do well in swimming.
But the more you practice this, especially on the side you feel is weaker, the better you'll swim.
 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 23:59:22
What to Do For Longer Swims
Expect that every time you breathe, especially if you get tired, anxious or out of breath, you need to re-adjust your head position often.
If you make a habit of rebalancing your body constantly, every lap or every minute, even in a wetsuit, you will be able to swim further without stopping, you will save lots of energy, and you will swim faster.
The also holds for how you exhale and inhale. You'll also need to adjust your breathing mechanics, such as the length or force of your exhalation, for example, to adjust to the extra demands of swimming longer or faster.
Focus on this for the next few sessions and see how far you can take it towards a fluid, more efficient stroke.

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