[视频] 成就游泳冠军-青少年出发滚翻英文高清版-翻转

swim 发表于 2015-5-12 10:59:16
12589 0
Travel much much better Let’s do that one more time.
Traveling to the wall again. Three hands here,submerge.
Wipe down looking right straight ahead, you gonna come right straight over on your turn
Ready, go. Very nice x2.
Three hands here, torpedo , submerge. somersault
You stand on the tight on until your heel hit the water
And then you xxx on your back you will be looking straight up at the end of this drill. It will be a little be under water. Let ‘s see how it goes.
Oh right three hands here .here we go
Now you notice on that.  That Steven open up way too soon and he hit the water with the heel before he finished his somersault
What that means is he is gonna push off the wall with his xxx back
Steven ,you wanna stay with your somersault a lot more longer till your heels are in the water. And then streamline underwater
submerge. Somersault and then streamline underwater
hold it looking straight to the sky and count to three
ready ,travel. Much better ,there you go
free style and backstroke up to this point are exactly the same turn ,your approach obviously different. Backstroke you swim on your back and then you reach you cross your body come into the xxx, submerge, somersault
ready go, hold that streamline a little longer ,beautiful.
Now a common flot is using your arms to come around your somersault but Steven has a little bit challenge in that area. But he is getting better at it.
Ready go. Steven ,I want you to swimming and do the drill on we doing it on the wall. And I don’t want you to push off and set your feet on the wall with your toes point straight up because I want you to push off on your back eventually  but no this time. Leave with the top of your head now.
What you doing on your set up is your arms over your head. They already streamline and you ready to push off. You wanna thinking about your ribs in.
You push off with your flat back .and you not pushing any kind of xxx
Now ,our freestyle turn with somersault straight over. We push off our back eventually and you rotate to your side and you swim side to side on the poll
You don’t try to push off on your side. That slow your rotation down.
You are going just to the set up.
Ready go. Torpedo, submerge, somersault.
Backstroke turn approach. Crossover, torpedo, submerge, tight somersault,
When you come over with your somersault in a tight, you don’t have to reach out with your legs or feet off the wall. Your wall will be right there then just do a set up. Backstroke turn to a set up.
Ready go
Now when you in a set up, you wanna check with my streamline am I ready to push off. Am I ribs in, so when I push off ,I push off in a streamline
Ready, go. Crossover, torpedo, submerge, tight xxx
再次行进到墙上。 三只手在这里 淹没。
预备,开始。 非常漂亮的X2。
三只手在这里,鱼雷,淹没。 翻筋斗
然后你是,你的背部你会寻找直线上升在这次演练的结束。 这将是一个有点被淹没。 让我们看看是怎么回事。
现在,你注意到这一点。 这史蒂芬开辟道路太快,他打的水用脚跟之前,他完成了他的筋斗
史蒂芬,你想留在你的翻腾了很多时间,直到你的脚后跟是在水中。 然后简化水下
淹没。 翻腾,然后简化水下
准备好了,旅行。 好多了,你去那里
自由式和仰泳到这一点是完全一样的转,你的做法明显不同。 仰泳你游你的背部,然后你到达你穿过你的身体进入了,淹没,跟头
现在用你的双臂来在你的跟头,但史蒂芬有这方面的一点点挑战。 但他越来越在变得更好。
准备好去。 史蒂芬,我要你游泳和做的演习,我们做在墙上。 我不希望你蹬和墙上设置你的脚与脚尖点地直线上升,因为我要你在你的背上推过最终却没有这个时间。 留下你的头顶了。
你在做什么你设置了是你的手臂举过头顶。 他们已经简化,你准备推离。 你要考虑你的肋骨英寸
现在,我们的自由泳与筋斗把直冲过来。 我们从我们后面推,最终和你旋转到你身边,你会游泳一边到另一边在投票
你不要试图在你的身边推了。 减缓您旋转下来。
准备好去。 鱼雷,淹没,跟头。
仰泳转方式。 交叉,鱼雷,淹没,紧跟头,
当你在与你的筋斗在紧张,你不必去接触你的腿或脚在墙上。 你的墙都会在那里,然后只是做了设置。 仰泳转一组了。
现在,当您在设置了,你想检查我的流线形我是准备推离。 我是不是肋骨,所以当我推掉,我在一个流线型蹬
预备,开始。 交叉,鱼雷,淹没
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游泳科学:优化水中运动表现的技术、体能、营养和康复指导 是全面展现游泳运动科学知识与运动表现提升的专业指导书。全书从游泳运动的发展历程、科研发现、装备与技术革新,以及这项运动所涉及的运动员生理、心理和技术层面的理论与实践讲起,通过科学图表与数据分析,将优化游泳运动表现的重要方面——技术、体能、营养和康复进行了细致地讲解。书中还重点介绍了游泳训练的方法,包括泳池训练和陆上训练两部分,旨在帮助游泳教练、运动员及爱好者形成标准化的训练体系,有效提升游泳运动表现。
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