iswim 发表于 2021-6-17 20:43:50
19284 71
When most people see swimmers train like this... they would never guess that it all begins with...
...this. Working on technique. And it’s something these athletes do every day, for at least part of their training.
If you’re new to triathlon and new to swimming, technique should come first. Before you worry about speed or intervals or pace or heart rate, you need to master the technical part of swimming.
Swimmers who don’t take time to learn the basics, usually end up swimming like this -- with the head too high, the legs too low, and a lot of white water and wasted energy.
By contrast, when we watch Sara swim, you can see that her body is horizontal -- or balanced -- in the water.
Her kick and pull seem relaxed and productive. And notice that there’s no splashing or thrashing or whitewater.
By taking time to slow down and learn the basics, you can start to swim more like this. Notice the long, straight body line, the quiet kick that starts from the hips, and the way everything moves forward rather than up and down.
No one is born with a stroke like this. It takes years of practice. And the fastest way to
get a stroke like this is to slow down.
You learn to swim correctly when you swim slowly, using drills and lots of repetition so that your muscles can develop a memory for the correct movements.
In this section, we’ll show you Sara’s favorite drills for building a super-efficient and super-fast stroke.
When you try these drills at the pool, focus on one thing at a time. The pool is not the place to multi-task! Make it one drill at a time -- one focus point at a time -- and you’ll find that slowing down really does make your faster.
If you have trouble with your kick, try using fins for any of the drills in the next section. Fins are not cheating! By giving you a little extra momentum, fins can help you focus on body position, breathing, and correct technique for your armstroke and kick.

小潘 发表于 2021-6-17 23:08:30
Paul 发表于 2021-6-18 14:17:52
lqhai 发表于 2021-6-18 17:07:58
FISH鱼鱼 发表于 2021-6-18 17:29:44
好心情 发表于 2021-6-18 17:48:18
abang 发表于 2021-6-19 09:07:33
刺果果 发表于 2021-6-19 10:22:31
Gel 发表于 2021-6-19 15:11:19
愚人 发表于 2021-6-19 19:30:30
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游泳科学:优化水中运动表现的技术、体能、营养和康复指导 是全面展现游泳运动科学知识与运动表现提升的专业指导书。全书从游泳运动的发展历程、科研发现、装备与技术革新,以及这项运动所涉及的运动员生理、心理和技术层面的理论与实践讲起,通过科学图表与数据分析,将优化游泳运动表现的重要方面——技术、体能、营养和康复进行了细致地讲解。书中还重点介绍了游泳训练的方法,包括泳池训练和陆上训练两部分,旨在帮助游泳教练、运动员及爱好者形成标准化的训练体系,有效提升游泳运动表现。
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