iswim 发表于 2021-7-5 12:22:18
20659 71
So working with all kinds of different people, whether they're great swimmers or not, swimmers at all. Learning a kick rhythm and learning how to kick is sometimes very difficult. And working with a lot of triathletes who have been running and biking, but not spending a lot of time on their swimming issues with ankle flexibility, the understanding of how to kick.
It's just they've never been taught or they haven't focused on that sort of thing.
And so a lot of times the kick will be so outside the body line with the ankles connected or hooked so much that they use the feet for a little bit of stabilization, but at the same time it completely slows them down. And in here, you can almost watch on every stroke that when they leg, when the leg splay out, they just go flying back. So over a course of time, we'll learn the kick. We'll learn echo flexibility. We'll learn that the legs aren't completely straight when you kick. And. But sometimes it's very frustrating as they go through this process. And so to give them hope and at the same time let them feel good while they're doing this. One of the things we go to is a pool boy. So obviously, a pool boy is meant to isolate the legs or make sure you don't use them. Really the complete opposite with the pool boy in. We're gonna use the legs. We're gonna actually kick. And I'll try to demonstrate a two, four and six beat kick with the pool boy in. Because what we ultimately want to encourage for, especially the triathletes, is the ability to keep the legs behind the body, not get outside the body, so that as they reduce the size of the kick, they actually go faster.
So it's for a lot of different reasons. But using the pool boy as a kick device is something that I've done for years.
And most people call it cheating. I just said I was working on something, but I guess cheating a little bit. All right, let's give it a shot.
So when you were the pool were high enough between your thighs.
It allows you to continue to use the lower part of your legs. It makes sure that you don't spread the thighs out too much. So it's just isolating. But the most important thing is it's keeping you very narrow. And then you can work on your timing because you're not who worry about balance or stabilization, because the pool, we tend to do that. So little trick that we use.
Whether it works or not for you, I don't know. Give it a shot. See you later.

xujie80 发表于 2021-7-5 12:45:02
phillipz 发表于 2021-7-5 13:00:19
Daisy 发表于 2021-7-5 13:22:19
勇少 发表于 2021-7-5 13:33:17
小编阿达 发表于 2021-7-5 13:52:49
Will 发表于 2021-7-5 14:06:01
水将军 发表于 2021-7-5 14:37:11
黑泽优 发表于 2021-7-5 16:07:49
猪八戒 发表于 2021-7-5 18:03:36
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