海曼蝶泳教学片 英文字幕 (1)

rose 发表于 2010-12-21 00:07:39
12175 3
《Go Swim》出的系列教学片,开始都是套话,所写就没听写。
《Go Swim butterfly with Misty Hyman》

Swimming is commitment and focus, and try everyday to give everything you have.

OK. These are six focus points that work for me, let’s go swim butterfly.

(1)Two Kicks per Stroke
Rhythm and timing are so important in butterfly, when you get the rhythm and timing just right, you can feel like you’re flying through the water. If you get it a little bit wrong, you can feel like an eagle with a broken wing. When I want to work on my timing and rhythm, I think about taking two kicks per stroke. Let’s watch this in slow motion. I kick here as my hands enter the water. And I kick again here as my hands exit the water. I kick my hands in and I kick my hands out. Two kicks per stroke. As my hands enter the water, I kick down with my feet and my hips go up, during the pull, my feet go up and actually disappear which means they’re just above the surface. I try to get them just above the water, so I get maximum power on the second kick, which happens here.

The second kick starts when my hands on my hips, I kick down and accelerate my hands to the recovery. Notice my hips don’t go up quite so much second kick, my feet don’t disappear this time, they’re just below the surface. Let’s watch the timing again. Kick the hands in, kick the hands out.

At clinics, I sometimes see swimmers, especially younger swimmers taking just one kick per arm stroke, as this swimmer is doing.

If you have trouble with timing, or if you just take one kick per stroke, I recommend you wear some fins. Fins are great during learning phase of butterfly. They can give you just a little bit more power and will help you develop correct body motion and rhythm for a smooth stroke.

When you practice butterfly, it’s important not to let yourself struggle. It may make you stronger, but all you’ll be doing is practicing bad technique. Wear fins until you develop good technique.

Another trick during the learning phase is to take just two or three perfect strokes of fly per length and then switch to freestyle. This is a lot more effective than taking nine or ten imperfect strokes.

Let’s take another look of the kick. As I take two kicks. I think about kick from the sternum, not from the knees. I think about using my entire body for the kick, not just my legs. But I am still thinking about take two kicks per stroke. If I swim with my entire body, I have more power than if I just use my legs. It lets my body flow more smoothly through the water, more like a real dolphin.

I try to set up the rhythm with my body, a “two kicks per stroke ”rhythm and then fit the arms and legs into the rhythm.

One more thing to know about the kick is that the toes should be pointed. This reduces drag and helps you get maximum range of power from your kick. Here is a drill that I like to use for my rhythm. It’s real simple. It’s called kick four, swim one. The idea on this drill is to take four kicks in a streamlined position, then take one stroke with breathe, and go back to that streamlined position to take another four kicks. What you want to focus on here is that you place the kick just in the right place. You’re not swimming butterfly full strokes, so you have plenty of time to think while you’re kicking under water where you’re gonna place those kicks. So focus on one kick on the front and one kick in the back. Remember take two kicks per stroke, but make sure you kick form the sternum and use your entire body, not just your legs.

Let’s watch that again
 楼主| rose 发表于 2010-12-21 00:07:46
 楼主| rose 发表于 2010-12-21 00:07:57
youyong 发表于 2011-2-20 10:19:04
厦门游泳社区好 才是真的好
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