楼主: 小臭贝

[外文游泳文献] Butterfly technique with Ian Crocker and Eddie Reese译文

 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-11 15:05:21




One of the main drills for working on the movement of the hips so that the bathing suit does comes out of the water is the very simple butterfly drills do 3 left arm strokes, 3 right arm strokes, focusing on getting the head down and getting the hips up, and then take 3 regular butterfly strokes, called 3-3-3, and that will really help you work on your kicks, and it slows them down enough that they can figure out what needs do be done on the kick. As long as the done get done until they figure out, no matter what we give them, what we know, what we say.

Ian: "On the 3-3-3 drill, Eddie talks about the fact that slows down the stroke that you can focus on getting the little things right. And one of the little things I like to focus on is having the stroke timing correct on the 3-3-3 drill, which means making sure that you have one kick as the hand enters the water out from the beginning of the catch, and one kick as your hand exits the water at the beginning of the recovery."

When he is doing this one arm, exits bathing suit actually gets out of the water more than when he is swimming, so it is a good over emphasis to have.
A very important thing about any drill for any stroke is that they must be done correctly. So just because a coach gives the swimmer drills to do, you may not be helping their stroke if drills is done incorrectly. So while they are drilling, you must correct so that they get the drill right.


Thanks for watching the DVD. I know this DVD will help you - and the whole point of it is to get you to go faster, and that's a lot of fun.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-11 15:06:07
由Одетта 提供

伊恩·克洛克 Ian Crocker: the fastest butterfly swimmer on the earth

姓名:克罗克 Ian Crocker (美国)

国籍:美国  性别:男  

生日:1982.8.31  身高:1.95米  

体重:86公斤  项目:游泳·蝶泳

早在伊恩-克罗克(Ian Crocker)的孩提时代,他就患有注意力缺失症,因此他的母亲建议他从事游泳,以期给他带来一些自尊与自信.果然不负众望,他在在悉尼和雅典奥运会4x100米混合泳接力赛上,相继赢得奥运金牌。他出生于缅因州的波特兰(好地方,很美,我喜欢),他是2003年、2005年的男子100米蝶泳世界冠军,而且也获得了同期的世界锦标赛4x100米混合泳接力赛金牌。起初,在澳大利亚的伊恩-索普的启发下,克罗克成为游泳界的精英。克罗克在德州大学研究社会学,是美国全国大学生体育协会史上的三位游泳名人之一,连续四次取得百米蝶泳冠军-与马克-施皮茨(Mark Spitz)和巴勃罗·莫拉莱斯(Pablo Morales)同称为泳坛三奇人,08又多了一位8金财主菲尔普斯。




  身高:6英尺5英寸(195cm) Height: 6'5"

  体重:180磅 Weight: 180 lbs.

  国籍: 美国 Nationality: USA

  出生地:缅因州 波特兰市 From: Portland, Maine

  训练地:得克萨斯州 奥斯汀 Trains: Austin, Texas

  出生日期:1982年8月31日 Birthdate: Aug 31, 1982

  俱乐部:Longhorn Aquatics Club: Longhorn Aquatics

  大学:University of Texas (2005届) College: University of Texas, 2005

  所学专业:社会学 College Major: Sociology


  宠物:三只宠物猫 Pets: three cats (Murphy, Hazel, Dinah)

  爱好:汽车,弹吉它 Hobbies Outside the Pool: cars, enjoys playing the guitar

  放松方式:开车兜风 Ultimate Way to Relax: cruising in his car

  赞助商Sponsors: Speedo, Aircast

  训练状况:每天训练2-5小时(6000至12000米),每周训练6 Training Stats: Swims 6-12,000 mtrs/yds per day, 2-5 hours a day, 6 days a week

  国际大赛成绩 International Medals:

  奥运会 Olympic Games

  2004: 1st, 400m MR (WR); 2nd, 100m fly; 3rd, 400m FR

  2000: 1st, 400m MR (WR)

  世界游泳锦标赛 World Championships

  2005: 1st, 100m fly (WR); 1st, 400m MR; 2nd, 50m fly (AR)

  2003: 2nd, 50m fly (AR); 1st, 100m fly (WR); 1st, 400m MR (WR)

  2001: 2nd, 100m fly

  泛太平洋游泳锦标赛 Pan Pacific Championships

  2002: 1st, 100m fly (CR)

  世界短池游泳锦标赛 Short Course World Championships

  2004: 1st, 50m fly (WR); 1st, 100m fly (CR); 1st, 400m FRp; 1st, 40
0m MR (WR)

  (注: fly 蝶泳,FR 自由泳接力,MR 混合泳接力,WR 世界纪录, C
R 赛会纪录, AR 美国国内纪录)

  长池世界纪录 World Records in long course

  100 FLY Ian Crocker USA 50.40 July 30, 2005 Montreal, CAN

  (Ian Crocker是在长池100米蝶泳中唯一游入51秒的运动员)

  4 x 100 MED USA 3:30.68 August 21, 2004 Athens, GRE

  Aaron Peirsol

  Brendan Hansen

  Ian Crocker

  Jason Lezak

  短池世界纪录 World Records in short course

  100 FREE Ian Crocker USA 46.25 March 27, 2004 East Meadow, USA

  100 FLY Ian Crocker USA 49.07 March 26, 2004 East Meadow, USA

  4 x 100 MED USA 3:25.09 October 11, 2004 Indianapolis, USA

  Aaron Peirsol

  Brendan Hansen

  Ian Crocker

  Jason Lezak
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