[外文游泳文献] Dealing with Burn-out(疲惫不堪时,该如何做)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 19:13:05
8948 0
This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Dr. Chris Carr, a sports psychologist in Indianapolis. Carr offers some advice on what to do when you’re feeling burned out.

Carr's Tip:
Feeling “burned out” is common with swimmers. You spend hours of time in a pool with your face in the water, your arms and legs hurting, with little time to talk and interact with your teammates. Yet, it is because of this that swimmers embrace their sport. They realize they can push themselves and deal with difficult training. Finding balance is important. Here are some tips:

•        Keep a mental training journal. Every other night, sit and write about your feelings/experiences in the journal. This will often help you let go of those negative thoughts and distractions by giving you some clarity.
•        Start a regular routine of relaxation training. Find a relaxation CD and listen to it four to five times each week. This 15-20 minutes can be a great time to refocus and regroup and will help you feel less stress.
•        Make sure to employ some time management strategies, such as keeping your schedule in a planner. When we feel overwhelmed, we often tend to let the little things get to us. A good time management strategy helps us to focus on what we can control and let go of what we can’t control.

•    保持每天写日志(这是一种精神训练)。每天晚上,坐下来把你的感觉、经验写在日志里。这样做经常可以帮助你抛弃一些负面的想法和一些让你分心的事情,让你的心灵得到清洁

•    进行一个常规的放松练习。找一张比较舒缓的CD,并每周听4~5次,每次听15~20分钟。这个时间,可以让你的身体,重新焕发青春,帮助你消除压力。

•    要确保采用一些时间管理策略,例如把你的日程计划都记录在日程安排上(可以是一个软件,也可以是一个本子)。当我们感到崩溃时,通常是很多琐碎的事情来打扰了我们。一个好的时间管理策略帮助我们关注我们能够控制的那部分,而抛弃哪些我们不能控制的部分。

If these techniques don’t help, try to find a sport psychologist in your area who may help you with some of your stress management.
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