
清澈的水 发表于 2009-2-14 12:34:23
12938 1

现在我们可以做蝶泳完整动作的练习了,我们的最后一项蝶泳训练是由几次不呼吸的蝶泳完整动作开始的.我们把它称之为简易蝶泳(easy fly),这是一种避免过分剧烈蝶动的好方法,刚开始的时候,你可以根据自己的技术条件来少做几下,也许从三下(不呼吸蝶泳),左右开始.
然后,慢慢一点点地加量,一下一下地递增(不呼吸蝶泳的数量),但前提是,一定要保证你的蝶泳效力,不要挣扎得太厉害(译者注:没看过之前的视频,不是很确定butter struggle 的确切指代),你的主要目的在于尽量减少头部和肩膀上下移动的幅度,保持头部在身体轴心线上,保持小幅度动作,用力向前够,练习我们之前两节训练课的所有内容,去体验“长”,“低”,“平稳”.头部呼吸,保持头部在身体中轴线上,呼吸是略低头向下看,我们将之称为,鬼祟呼吸,尽量用力以观察身体的抖动,放松,长身,省力,这才是全浸蝶泳的要义,坚持短程重复训练,直到简易蝶泳成为你的唯一.

[now you're ready to put the whole stroke together
our final butterfly drill starts with just a few strokes and no breath
we call this the easy fly and it's good way to aviod practicing butter struggle
you swim with only as many strokes as you can do well
perhaps as few as three
then swap the posing to freestyle and to finish the lap
add more strokes
one by one
only as long as you stay efficient
never practice butter struggle
your main focus is to minimise up and down motion in your head and shoulders
keep your head in line
keep low profile
chanel all your energy forward
practice everything we learnt in the two previous drills
when you feel long, low, smooth and relex
head breathing
keep your head in line and look down slightly when you breath
we call this taking a sneaky breath
making it haed to observe the shake (not sure)
relex long and economical
that's the butterfly the total immersion way
keep preacticing in short repeats until easy fly is the only way you notice swimming
 楼主| 清澈的水 发表于 2009-2-14 12:34:50

now you're ready to put the whole stroke together
our final butterfly drill starts with just a few strokes and no breath
we call this the easy fly and it's good way to aviod practicing butter struggle
you swim with only as many strokes as you can do well
perhaps as few as three
then switch to pulsing or to freestyle
to finish the lap

add more strokes
one by one
only as long as you stay efficient
never practice butter struggle
your main focus is to minimise up and down motion in your head and shoulders
keep your head in line
keep low profile
chanel all your energy forward
practice everything we learnt in the two previous drills
when you feel long, low, smooth and relax

head breathing
keep your head in line and look down slightly when you breath
we call this taking a sneaky breath
making it hard to observe the shade
relax long and economical
that's the butterfly the total immersion way
keep preacticing in short repeats until easy fly is the only way you notice swimming


我们把它称之为简易蝶泳(easy fly) 这是一种避免过分剧烈蝶动的好方法
刚开始的时候 你可以根据自己的技术条件来少做几下

然后 慢慢一点点地加量
但前提是 一定要保证你的蝶泳效力
不要挣扎得太厉害(译者注:没看过之前的视频 不是很确定 butter struggle 的确切指代)
练习我们之前两节训练课的所有内容 去体验“长”,“低”,“平稳”

保持头部在身体中轴线上 呼吸是略低头向下看
我们将之称为 鬼祟呼吸
放松 长身 省力
坚持短程重复训练 直到简易蝶泳成为你的唯一
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游泳科学:优化水中运动表现的技术、体能、营养和康复指导 是全面展现游泳运动科学知识与运动表现提升的专业指导书。全书从游泳运动的发展历程、科研发现、装备与技术革新,以及这项运动所涉及的运动员生理、心理和技术层面的理论与实践讲起,通过科学图表与数据分析,将优化游泳运动表现的重要方面——技术、体能、营养和康复进行了细致地讲解。书中还重点介绍了游泳训练的方法,包括泳池训练和陆上训练两部分,旨在帮助游泳教练、运动员及爱好者形成标准化的训练体系,有效提升游泳运动表现。
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