[资料] 游泳季刊- 爬泳技术八原则

joo 发表于 2014-3-21 21:47:47
13647 2
2001年,美国游泳教练员协会在新奥尔良举办了世界游泳教练员讲习班。福布斯·卡莱尔在讲习班上播放了他录制的一套名为《爬泳技术的发展》录像片。在这部录像片中,卡莱尔介绍了游好爬泳应注意的8原则。本刊现将这8条原则和参考译文同时刊出, 以飨读者。如读者对这8条原则有更好的译法, 请将译文寄我刊, 我刊将选登来稿, 以便更准确地理解卡莱尔的8原则。任何名选手都有改进身体流线型姿势的余地。改进身体流线型姿势的重要性不言而喻。下述8原则中的任何一条,都会使你受益。
a.Keeping the body horizontal and notraising the shoulders in concertwith arm en—tries.The bo dyshould only be rotated on a hor—izo ntaI,longitudinal axis.
1。臂入水时, 身体应保持水平姿势,肩部不应上抬。身体只能在水平方向上,围绕身体纵轴转动。
b.Keeping the head down,looking at thebo ttomand then to the side of the poo1 whenbreathing,80 thatrotation on a horizo nta1,Ion—gitudinaIaxis is achieved.It is detrim entaI tostream lining toIo k forward and/or to raise thehead at an y time,particularly when breathing.
2.要低头, 目视池底, 吸气时,目视池侧, 以便身体在水平方向上围绕其纵轴转动。目视前方, 或抬头,特别是呼吸时抬头,会破坏身体的流线型姿势。
C.Keeping the legs and kick within thebody shadow 80 that formresistan ce in m ini—mized.Theonly time the legs should emergefrom the position of maximum stream line iswhendetrim entaI effects are more than offsetby arlTt propulsion gains.
d.Reducing downward pressure after thearms enter the water andachieving a horizontaIpull com po nent earlier.Bendingat the elbow ,im mediately after entry,would assist in fasterdirectional force change. If this could beachieved there is every likelihood that stream —lining will be better m aintained.
4.臂入水后,尽量避免下压, 并设法尽早获得水平分力。入水后立即屈肘有助于更快改变用力方向。如能做到这点,将有助于身体保持流线型姿势。
e.Rotating the hips and shoulders togetherto the same degree in astream lined po sition.This will reduce form resistance.
f.Al lowing the kick to rotate on a Iongitu—dinalaxis in concert with hip rotation.A con—centration on vertical kicking increases form re—sistan ce whereas rotation has the potential todecrease it withoutany loss in forward velocity.
g.Aligning the upper arm of the pul1 andrecovery with the line of theshoulders to in—crease the musculature used to generateforce aswell as maintain the integrity of the shoulderjoint.An emphasis on,or toleran ce of,internalrotator iXlugcle group activety will eventuallycauseproblems.This propo sal will introduce agreater rolefor the extern al rotator musclesduring the pul1.
h. M aintaining stre0mlined feet whenkicking 8o that drag is not created.However,itmust be rea lized that a “braking’’action may bea corrective movement for 8ome other error.
8.打腿时应注意脚部的流线型姿势,以免增加阻力。然而必须知道有时“制动” 动作可矫正其他技术错误。 迟爱光译

klyxb 发表于 2014-3-21 21:48:16
个人认为8原则强调的是基本功,1-5原则:多强调的是流线型,如髋肩应同步转动、目视池底等,应该没什么可争议了,有说看前下方的。6原则:验证了我们常说的转髋动作必须由打腿来促成。7原则:强调高肘,”内旋肌群负担过重将造成伤害。建议划水时尽量发挥外旋肌作用“,这个不理解,那个是内旋肌、外旋肌?请个位帮个忙。8原则:其中”然而必须知道有时“制动” 动作可矫正其他技术错误“。什么是“制动” 动作可矫正其他技术错误?
一叶孤舟pkpk 发表于 2014-3-22 14:31:51
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游泳科学:优化水中运动表现的技术、体能、营养和康复指导 是全面展现游泳运动科学知识与运动表现提升的专业指导书。全书从游泳运动的发展历程、科研发现、装备与技术革新,以及这项运动所涉及的运动员生理、心理和技术层面的理论与实践讲起,通过科学图表与数据分析,将优化游泳运动表现的重要方面——技术、体能、营养和康复进行了细致地讲解。书中还重点介绍了游泳训练的方法,包括泳池训练和陆上训练两部分,旨在帮助游泳教练、运动员及爱好者形成标准化的训练体系,有效提升游泳运动表现。
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