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2021-12-17 13:12| 发布者: admin| 查看: 595| 评论: 71 |原作者: iswim

In breaststroke, power comes not from the arms and legs but from the body. Head-Lead Flow teaches this key skill. Start with hands at your sides and simply press in on your chest…then release. Repeat ...
In breaststroke, power comes not from the arms and legs but from the body. Head-Lead Flow teaches this key skill. Start with hands at your sides and simply press in on your chest…then release. Repeat this several times before you take a breath. Try to initiate the press with your chest, and allow the rest of your body to flow along.
As you press in on the chest, your chin will go forward just a bit. As you release the chest, the chin tucks back in and the eyes look down.
As you press in on the chest, the hips will rise and the feet will follow in a dolphin-like movement. Try not to kick too hard. Use body motion to move you forward.
Allow everything to flow through one hole in the water. Lead with the chest, then allow the shoulders…lower back…hips…the backs of the legs…and finally your feet to follow through the same hole. You want to flow just above and just under the surface of the water.
Try to maintain a steady rhythm with your body.
When you need to breathe, try not to interrupt the rhythm of your body. Stay near the surface, stay low when you breathe, and fit the breath into your body rhythm.

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