[外文游泳文献] 认识一下(索普)自由泳的五个重要的要素2-1

小臭贝 发表于 2011-6-28 21:44:52
16826 3
to identify five important elements to free-style stroke. The first element is his body position in the water. For Ian to swim so efficiently and effectively, he holds his body almost horizontal to the surface of the water when he swims. He also keeps his body in full “stretch” position with his eyes look forward to achieve excellent streamline effect, and obtain maximum benefits from his powerful kicking. If Ian allows his body position to be completely horizontal to the water line, he will lose the power of his kick.
The second element to the free-style stroke is breathing. For Ian to breath so efficiently and effectively , he never allows his head to submerge or go completely beneath the surface of water. His head creates a bow wave, which his breath behind. He has a high head position in the water, which enable him to return/retain his head easily to breath in. Prepare to correctly breath in during the arm stroke, by having his chin nearly touching the shoulder of the arm that is completeing the push back phase.
gradually after the recovery and entry phase of the arm stroke, while his head turns back pass the center line of his body. There are two types of breathing that Ian uses during the training and competition. The first is bilateral breathing, way Ian breathes both sides, one in three strokes.The second is unilateral, way Ian breathes only to one side, one in two strokes.
The third element is the arm stroke. Ian is considered to have one of the most efficient swimming techniques of all time.
Contributing to that very efficient technique is his arm stroke. The key elements that make his arm stroke so effective are:
1, He always maintains a long arm stroke;
2, He always keeps his elbows higher than his hands;
3, His hands are always relaxed and he pulls with the palms of his hands, his forearm and his shoulder.
He continue to extend his hand and arm after they enter the water, upstretch in front of his head, along the center line of his body. He performs the pull back phase by ? the water in front, and pulling it back down to the center line of the body, nearly touching his belly with the outstretched arm
and he gains great force and velocity to his stroke from the strong linked push back, using the full extension of the arm.
1972jw 发表于 2011-11-10 14:20:00
常青树 发表于 2011-12-5 15:52:03
常青树 发表于 2012-3-10 23:05:56
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