[外文游泳文献] 认识一下(索普)自由泳的五个重要的要素2-2

小臭贝 发表于 2011-6-28 21:45:17
15880 2
The fourth element is the leg kick. Ian is renowned in the competitive swimming world for his ability to engage his very powerful leg kick to prepare ? during a race . This is the product of the extraordinary legs pair channel through an extremly efficient kicking technique.

He begins the kick from his hip, slightly rotating his body for more force, then bend his knees slightly, follow by a full extension of the foot. During the upward motion, he heavily engages his hamstring muscle to enhance the movement and power to the overall kick. Ian maintianes the loose and relax angle during two phases of the leg kick, gaining maxium thrust from his feet.


allow his heel to just right the surface of the water. Ian does not kick any deeper than the width
of the body as this will cause more drain. Ian employs a variety of kicks during training and competition, depending on what he's planning to achieve. This various kick types include, the two-bit kick, for every arm stroke there is one kick; the six-bit kick, for every arm stroke there are three kicks。The 4-bit kick, in between the 2 and 6-bit kick, where one big and one small kick are made to each arm stroke

. The fifth element is the body rotation. When Ian swims during training or competition, his body naturally rotates or rolls from side to side on his long axis. Ian's body rotation is caused by the rotating actions of his arms and his natural movement. This rotation assists his body to engage the large chunk muscles, making the stroke more efficient. It also helps his arms to recover, allowing his hips and legs to move naturally with the movement of his body, and his head to turn to breath. If Ian didn't allow his body to rotate, it will sway from side to side , greatly reduce the efficiency of his stroke and his overall performance in the water.

第五个关键是身体的旋转。在训练或比赛时,Ian的身体会沿着身体的纵轴从一侧旋转或滚动到另一侧。 这种旋转是由于划臂动作和身体的自然协调产生的。旋转使得能够调动大块躯干肌肉,让划水变得更有力和有效。也能帮助手臂恢复及归位,让臀部和腿随着身体的动作而自然运动,还能有助于转头呼吸。如果不旋转的话,身体会两边摆动,从而大大降低划水的效率和在水中整体的表现。

zzr219400 发表于 2014-12-3 09:25:09
风的一滴眼泪 发表于 2014-12-2 21:50:36
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