[初阶泳者] 全浸游泳学习的细节(silkyswimmer网站系列资料翻译)【全浸系列之五】

灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 01:35:02
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本帖最后由 老海盗 于 2011-11-29 20:09 编辑

4 Focal Points to Help You Swim Faster(4要点帮你游得更快)

There are many ways to swim faster of course. And while all the reading is good, you have to try them at some point.

So I wanted to give you a few simple and specific ones to try in your next pool session.

Let’s start off from a swim Skate position. As you know, in Skating you have a high side and a low side.

(The low side is where your arm is fully extended.)

For this discussion, let’s assume that your left arm is in the lead extended position. And the right arm is ready to pierce in the Swing Skate position.

We’ll focus on the right side only in this article. Here are four focal points you can practice to increase your speed.

1、Arm pierces directly forward(1、手臂向前直刺)
As the stroking arm pierces the water and takes its path forward. Ensure that it does exactly that. Have that arm enter and extend on a wide track. It should not cross to your center line.
击水臂刺入水中后的路径是向前,要确保能准确做到这一点。让你的手臂是沿着宽轨(wide track)入水和伸展,它不应与你身体的中线相交。

Imagine that this piercing hand is parting the water and your body has to slip through that small channel it creates.

If your arm is going on an inward, left pointed path, do you really want your body following it?

2. Let the high side shoulder fall with gravity(2、让你高边的肩膀“带”着重量下落)
You worked so hard to get into Skate position and create a high side. Don’t waste it.

First, keep that right side high up until you start your pierce. Second, before you put massive effort in spearing your right arm forward, have your shoulder fall with gravity first.

Give it a split second just so it can start to tip over. Then build on it by driving the shoulder behind that motion.

3. Drive your hips(3、驱动你的臀部)
Use your core muscles to drive the high side hip down. But then conversely use those same muscles to arrest the rotation when it gets to the ideal low side edge.

Focus on connecting the hip drive with the upper part of your body. Both sections should move as a single unit.

4. Kick opposite leg(4、踢对角腿)
In a two beat kick you want to have the kick support the rotation of the body more than having it actually contributing to propulsion.

If you consider it, the longest span you can create with your body is the right hand fingertips to the left toes. And vice versa.

Use this leverage to your advantage by supporting the body rotation with the kick.

Synchronize the Focal Points(令这些要点同步、合拍)
Practice these in isolation first. What this means is that each lap down the pool, only be thinking of one of these.

However, in practice these all have to by synchronized such that each one is helping the body achieve the singular body rotation and forward motion.

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 01:35:35
3 Things You Can Learn from Your Hands While Swimming

Do you have days when you don’t feel your swim is going too smooth?

Or do you sometimes experience a disconnect between what you think you’re doing and what you’re actually doing?

It happens to me for sure.

This is why I like video as learning tool. It helps make those mind-body connections.

The problem with video though is that it’s not real time.

Sure, it’s great for an after swim review. But it doesn’t help you while you’re swimming in an Olympic triathlon.

You have other visual aids though. One of them is the position of your hands. Here are three things they can tell you.

1. Fingers pointing up as you extend(误区1、手前伸时,手指上指)
You see this especially on breathing strokes. This upward hand direction is often most severe when the head is trying to come up for a breath.

(In some swimmers, it literally looks like they’re about to give you a high-five. Nice.)

When you see this, you’re most likely starting to sink your legs and even your hips. Either of which do not put you in a streamline position.

Solution: Simply hang your hand by the wrist. Ensure that it is loose and always pointing down throughout the path of the stroke.

2. Hand leading the recovery arm(误区2:用手引领回臂)
You sometimes see the hand being the focal point of the recovery. The hand leads the arm all the way up to the point where it enters the water.

This could be accompanied by over reaching. That in itself is not the worst of it though. The bigger problem is that you could be flattening out your torso as you do this.

Without a high side coming down via gravity to help the switch/pierce, you’re left with the relatively small hand/arm to pull back and generate propulsion.

That’s tough.

Solution: Lead your recovery arm with the elbow. Enter the water in a steeper angle.

3. Fingers held tight(误区3:手指紧紧并拢)
Stiff fingers typically signify tension in the arm and rest of the body.

There is no need for this of course. You’ll only tire faster with no commensurate forward motion as a saving grace.

Solution: Stay loose and flexible. This will allow you to move your arms faster and with greater extension.


 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 01:36:31

3 Places Where You Could be Leaking Power

A lot of swimmers try to gain more speed by pulling and kicking more. Before you throw more force into the problem, why not make sure that you’re maximizing what you’re already putting in?

When you swim, you want to make sure that every bit of energy you put in propels your body forward. That takes practice though. It also takes an awareness for where your efforts are going toward non-forward motion. Here are three common places:

1. Pushing Up to Breath(误区1、抬头换气)

Taking a breath in freestyle swimming should not alter your stroke nor streamline in any way. But for a lot of swimmers this isn’t the case.

Instead of maintaining a good balanced skating position to support the breath movement, a lot of swimmers push down using one arm to prop their head out of the water.

If you’re exerting energy downward, then that’s not moving your body forward.

Solution: Work on maintaining balance at all times. Focus on being able to maintain balance without effort. The skating drill works very well for this.

2. Kicking to Keep Legs Up(误区2:用踢腿来保持下半身高位)

Ideally, your kicks only serve to position your body from a skating position on one side to the other. It works in tandem with weight shifts to do this.

But a lot of swimmers use kicking to get the lower part of their body higher. This is to counter sinking legs. This is attempting to fix one problem with another.

And again, if all your kicking effort is going toward propping your lower half up, it’s not deliberately contributing to forward motion.

Solution: Instead of kicking, you should focus on staying long to keep your body parallel.

3. Arms Not on Wide Tracks(误区3:手臂不沿宽轨运动)

Having arms come toward the center is very common in freestyle swimmers. What you have is the arms coming in, then having to come back out over and over.

You have all that movement, but they’re mostly lateral. So once again, all the energy is being used for side-to-side motion and not for forward propulsion.

Solution: Keep your arms on wide tracks through the entire stroking motion. This way, it exists the water wide and enters wide.


以前很多教学内容都是错误的,但很多人目前还拿那些错误"奉若神明"---比入:手在中间入水.大家可以看到大把的视频在显示这种错误,所以,我才说那叫"视频污染",看了还不如不看,学的都是错误!...(不是你敢上视频你就牛的,怕的是你错了,还被人不断"称赞"! )

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 01:37:13
How to Avoid Sinking Legs in Swimming

Dealing with sinking legs is one of the most common challenges I hear from swimmers. Their prevailing theories for this typically revolve around:
■I’m a sinker.
■I’m a weak kicker.
■I’m not going fast enough.

In almost all cases, these aren’t the root of the problem.

Let’s think about a seesaw for a moment. If the persons on both ends weigh exactly the same, then the seesaw experience is nice and balanced, right? But a lot of times, this isn’t the case. So what are your options?
■Add more weight to the lighter person, but keeping both of them in the same spot.
■Move the heavier person closer to the fulcrum so the lighter person has more leverage.
■Have the heavier person kick gently every time it’s his or her time to come up.

Now think of your body as a seesaw. Your body is the plank. The challenge is, you’re not quite sure where your fulcrum is.

But that’s not a problem. We can just experiment!

Your legs for the most part are always extended back. But your arms typically aren’t. The way most of us are taught to swim is to “reach and pull”.

The problem with this is your “reaching” arm never stays out there for any significant period of time. The only reason it’s reaching is to set itself up immediately for the big pull.

So what does this do? Your legs are extended, but your arms are always in motion and mostly in some position less than full extension.

So, let’s assume for the moment that your arms are generally less dense or lighter than your legs. And you have your legs playing the part of that heavier person in the seesaw.

So now by swimming via “reach and pull” your arms are essentially the equivalent of that lighter person sitting closer to the fulcrum. The opposite of what you want!

So how do you solve this? Pretty simple actually.

Keep Your Lead Arm Out Longer

Ideally, hold the lead arm extended up to the time that the elbow of your entering arm crosses the water surface. The Total Immersion drills that are useful for this are Skating and Swing Skate.

Other programs call it “overlaps”. They let the lead arm hold a small water toy. As the other arm enters, the objective is for the lead arm to pass the toy to the entering arm as it takes the extended lead position. While doing this, the lead arm stays put and waits for the entering arm to meet it.
其它教程称之为“重叠交叉”(overlaps,姑且这么译之)。他们让引领手抓住一个小道具。当另一只手臂入水后,引领手的任务是将该道具在“引领位置”(lead position)移交给入水手。在做这个动作时,引领手停在那里,直到入水手与之交遇。

Conceptually this addresses the same thing. The only problem is that it encourages your arms to come to the center. We definitely don’t want that.

We want our arms to be on wide tracks. The Skating and Swing Skate drills promote the same thing, but emphasizes wide tracks.
我们需要我们的手臂在“宽轨(wide tracks)”上(运行)。滑行和滚动滑行技术推行(与其它教程)同样的事,但是强调宽轨。

In the beginning this is going to feel really weird. You’ll feel like being in a Superman pose with both arms out. Trust me, you’re not.

Have someone take topside video of you swimming. Any simple point and shoot will do. You might be surprised at how impatient your arms are.

As you get more comfortable with the timing, try to experiment with minimizing your kicks. Quiet them down a bit.

Or maybe even take the opposite approach. If the arm timing is not quite clicking, try reducing your kicks first. Doing so might actually help with your arm timing.

There are other ways to address the sinking legs problem. Focusing on hanging your head is another good one. But for now, take it one at a time. You’ll have more than enough opportunities to try other approaches. That’s the fun part!
 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 01:37:56

Why You Should Add Stretching to Your Swim Training

In a recent swim session, I was working on Skating drills. And then I progressed to Swing Switches.

I was focusing only on hitting the same spots on every stroke to build consistency. So it was an easy and relaxed swim session (just as it should be.)

In spite of that, I noticed my arms tiring during the session. So I checked if I was pulling instead of anchoring my lead arm. That wasn’t it. I even did a few closed fist swim drills to make sure.

Anyway, couldn’t really figure out where the strain was coming from and just ended the swim session.

That evening, I started doing full stroke swim motions in front of the mirror. My arms started to tire again.

Then it hit me. The tension I was feeling in my arms was due to my effort to stay long and stretched!
这提醒了我。我手臂的紧张,来自于我伸展和驻展(stay long,没“驻展”这个词,姑且这么翻译,大家意会吧)手臂的努力。

I guess I’ve lost some flexibility over the last few months and just doing a full stretch required me to exert my muscles.

Well, that’s not good.

Ideally, I’d want all my muscles working toward propelling me forward as I swim. I don’t want to use up a lot of my reserves just maintaining form.

Stretching and Swimming(伸展与游泳)

I dabbled in Pilates in the past. This was mostly due to a shoulder injury that limited my swimming. During my rehab, I looked up some swim specific shoulder exercises and found this video. It was led by June Quick who works with the Stanford swim team.
http://www.championshipproductio ... ehab_MD-01996B.html
这个课程是由于斯坦福游泳队共同工作的June Quick带领的。

Another one was on Pilates specific for triathletes. Also led by June Quick as she worked with elite triathlete Barb Lindquist.
http://www.championshipproductio ... tes_TRD-02383E.html
同样由June Quick带领。

I have no affiliation with the company offering those products. I’m also not specifically endorsing these products. I haven’t used them enough to be able to do that.

That said, they both seemed pretty solid. Unfortunately, I never really got to adding them to my training.

Well, I’m going to give it another shot. I’m also going to work with a Pilates certified instructor that specializes on swimmers or triathletes.

I’ll keep you updated on how that works out this coming season.
 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 01:38:31
5 Reasons Swimming Less Makes You a Better Swimmer

What’s your plan to be a better swimmer? Do you have one?

Or is it merely throwing as many laps and pool time as your busy schedule will allow?

For swimmers who are looking to swim better, there seems to be the expectation (or hope) that as long as they put in more pool time, they’ll eventually get there.

You can throw a bunch of things on the wall and see what sticks. It’s not very efficient though.

And of course, there’s no guarantee anything will actually stick.

Maybe the solution is to swim less. If your progress has been a bit stuck lately, here are some good reasons to give it a shot.

1. Improved Technique(改善技巧)
If your goal is to swim 40 laps and achieve it, well…that’s exactly what you’d have done.

Did you improve your stroke? Maybe.

Did you guarantee that it’ll be easier to swim 40 laps in your next session? Maybe.

Many years ago, all I would be concerned about is hitting the magical lap count. Often, toward the end of the session my stroke would be ragged and inefficient. Not only did my technique not improve, it actually became worse.

Now I focus primarily on technique. I aim to get a good feel and hit my spots. If that happens in 10 laps or 50 laps, I don’t really care too much.

2. Reduced Injury Risk(减少受伤)
I was diagnosed with bicep tendinitis many years ago. Focusing on a more relaxed stroke helped. Focusing on using larger muscles helped. Using gravity to my advantage also helped.

Even so, just the constant use of the shoulders would still take some toll. Essentially, no way around it really.

Accepting this, I wanted to make sure that every stroke I had my shoulder make was contributing to improvement. Why waste strokes and increase injury risk for no gain?

And I found that by doing this, I could swim less (much less in fact) and still achieve more gains than my high lap approach.

3. Increased Focus(提升注意力)
Each time down the pool, I focus on only one stroke thought. One time it can be to keep my arms on wide tracks. Next time it can be to lead with my elbow as I stroke. This approach is the best tool I’ve had in making fine tweaks to my stroke.

However, as I get tired (physically and mentally), I find that my focus starts to wander. For example, I might start choosing to focus on hanging my head. But midway, I’d start wondering if I was kicking right.

When this starts to happen, I normally head for the hot tub.

4. More Visits to the Pool(去泳池的次数更多)
Say you have a choice:

Swim once per week for two hours
Swim four times per week for a half hour each time
I’d say you’re better off choosing the second. Why?

For me, having a very focused short session, but done frequently, is more effective. I have a better chance to avoid practicing the wrong technique.

And reducing the gaps between pool times helps me continually build on the incremental tweaks I make. It gets me in a better rhythm.

5. Sustained Interest(保持兴趣)
As much as I love to swim, the pool is always cold when I first jump in. I assume it would seem much colder if I knew I had a two hour monotonous session ahead of me.

I find that short pool sessions really help me stay focused and fresh for the entire time I’m in the water. As a result, I end up looking forward to each visit to the pool.

This works for me. How about you? On average, how long are your pool sessions? How many times per week do you visit the pool?
xjt227 发表于 2012-6-16 15:23:08
xjt227 发表于 2012-6-16 15:23:28
hanabaichuan 发表于 2013-7-8 18:56:05
我是猪 发表于 2013-7-9 03:13:49
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