[资料] 怎么游得更快 一起学习自由泳的僵尸手-SeaHiker 译文

deam 发表于 2012-10-3 11:37:59
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本帖最后由 deam 于 2012-10-3 11:42 编辑

his zombie has pretty good form, but his head is a little too high and hips far too low. Sadly, he won't swim fast enough to catch his dinner

僵尸有漂亮的姿势,但是他的头部太高髋部太低。 可悲的是他不能快速的游泳来抓到他的晚餐。

Swimming requires that you develop a whole new awareness of your body. One of the most important things to explore is your shoulder joint. It is a key nexus of movement for body rotation, catch/pull, streamlining and easy recoveries. (Check out our series on how to save your shoulders if you missed it)


Reaching forward by stretching the arm out of the shoulder joint causes all sorts of problems and it's very common to overdo it. You need the shoulder joint to be relaxed and loose in order to benefit fully from body rotations and to keep your shoulder safe.

 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 11:38:38
Zombie Arms: How to Do It

Right now, standing or sitting, hold both your arms out in front of you and relax your wrists and your shoulders. Keep your hands below your shoulders.

You should be in perfect position to chase people around the house or office. Go for it. You'll feel better.

Although the angle is not quite accurate, the feeling of relaxed shoulders and wrists is what you want to get out of this little rehearsal exercise.

When you are floating face down on the water, you should have the same sensation.

Zombie arms can feel unnatural and too deep for most swimmers at first. Does it feel that way for you? Most reach too high, keeping their arms close to their ears on the extension. This will be too tight to the shoulder for most swimmers (especially swimmers who didn't swim for a team as kids) and lead to the stroke problems described above.


现在,不管是坐着还是站着, 抬起双臂,在身前伸直,手腕及肩部放松,手指朝下,手腕要略低于肩。



 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 11:39:23
Zombie Arms for Efficient Swimming...and Survival!

When you swim you want to drive your hand, wrist and elbow to a point lower than your shoulder. This is important because you want to protect your shoulder from undue strain, make it easier to extend forward, set up a great catch and minimize drag.

You probably think you are already doing this. But my guess is that you're not doing it enough.

Here's two shots, one stroke after the other of Coach Peter:




 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 11:40:26
With a focus on good body roll (rotation), it is even more important to ensure that your shoulders are loose and relaxed. Otherwise, you'll put pressure on your shoulder and/or flatten out and slow down.

 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 11:40:39
Key points as you swim:

1 keep your shoulder stable,
don't pull the humerus away or out from the joint

2 keep your hands flat and wrists slightly angled downward

3 rotate your elbows outward slightly

4 drop your shoulders down away from your ears

5 reach forward by rotation through your torso and chest


1 保持肩部稳定,
2 保持手掌平直,手腕放松自然低垂

3 轻柔的外旋肘部

4 从耳际沉肩

5 通过滚动躯干及胸部达到前伸效果


 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 11:41:29
Swimming with relaxed shoulders and the lead arm extending slightly downward makes several things possible:

1 Good body rotation around a relaxed and stable shoulder joint, for easier breathing and less drag.  

A instant catch position, right away.

Improved streamlining and weight shifts because of better rotation.

Here's a POV photo of a good extension underwater, again Coach Peter:


1 放松及稳定的躯干滚动会让呼吸更容易,不会产生过大阻力

2 使抓水更快速有郊



You can verify your own zombie arms by looking up now and then for 3-4 strokes and then letting your head go back to neutral. Better yet, you can experiment to feel the differences in sensation as you watch your arms.

This is crucial for trying to maintain a better arm extension while breathing.



 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 11:41:44
Breathing Like A Zombie
The biggest challenge is trying to maintain this better lead arm position while breathing. You get distracted in a major way and your arm becomes enslaved in the task of making sure you breathe safely, and it drifts upwards or sculls laterally or drops too early during the breath.

 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 11:43:06
For a moment air is more important than brains.

So you need to zombify your breathing stroke by really paying attention. You are a zombie. You must eat!  So even when you're breathing, you should still pay attention to that lead arm.

Here Coach Jen is in mid-breath with an excellent catch, slightly lower than her right shoulder. This permits excellent rotation, an easier breath, and keeps her momentum from stroke to stroke:


 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 11:43:37
If you can produce an excellent catch position on the breathing stroke, your swimming will really improve, as this is the most challenging thing by far for most swimmers we coach. Streamline drill is an excellent way to practice this focus, among other drills.


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Recovery Styles

Swimmers have different stroke styles and personalities. Whether you swim with high elbows, arm swings, straight arm recovery or something in between, you really need to get your lead arm to the catch position (aka zombie arms) regardless of how you get there. Ideally, while keeping splash to a minimum and driving your arm in with your body rotation.

A good underwater extension starts with your recovery. Keeping your arms and wrists relaxed and then adjusting them for a smooth entry helps you set up well for a good stroke. Here you can see Stewart on his way to a great zombie like stroke with a high elbow style:

 楼主| deam 发表于 2012-10-3 11:44:02
How Can You Tell If You're Doing It Better?
1.        Exercise 1: Watch Your Arms  Watch your arms and hands by tilting your head up slightly on each stroke for 3-5 strokes so you can see your arms like in the POV shot above, then let your head go back to neutral and swim, trying to feel your hands going to the same place. Feel free to experiment with what wider/narrow, shallow/deeper, noodly/extended arms do for your stroke.

         练习1:看着手臂  试着在3-5次移臂过程中轻轻抬头看看自己的手臂和手掌是不是跟POV截图里一样,然后头部回到自然位置继续游,试着体会自己的手是不是每次都在同一位置。尝试不同的姿势,宽/窄,浅/深,倦缩/伸展,体会差距。

2.        Exercise 2: Split Your Awareness:  Can you override the urge to forget your lead arm on the breathing stroke? Do it on purpose, even if it means a less than comfortable breath at first.  Have someone watch your hands underwater during the breath. What happens? Can you maintain consistency of lead arm extension even when breathing? This isn't easy, but doing it will mean a much better freestyle overall.

          练习2: 一心多用:你可以克服在呼吸时不尢自主的忽视前导臂的本能吗?即使这会使呼吸不舒服,也要有意识的去练习它。请朋友在水下看一下你呼吸时的手臂姿势。有什么问题?你可以在呼吸时保持前导臂的一致性吗?这不是一件容易事,但坚持它会全面提高你的自由泳技术。

3.        Exercise 3: More Body Roll:  The more relaxed your lead shoulder, the more cripsly your can rotate your torso on each stroke, and you'll eliminate more drag. Look at the first two photos above and see how the torso really gets out of the way of the oncoming flow of water.  Try swimming flat on purpose to feel the difference. You might even see a diffrent in Strokes per Length (SPL) and lap time.

         练习3:加强躯干滚动: 越放松肩部,越能够在移臂时干净利落的旋转躯干,同时减小阻力。观察最开始的两张图,体会躯干如何躲开迎面而来的

4.        Exercise 4: Relaxed Recovery: Find ways to relax your recovery so you can slip your arm into the water straight to a lower and better catch position. Try finger drag, wider recoveries (swing the arm away from you), hand shake drill, wide entries, and anything else you can think of. Slowing things down really helps.
         练习4: 放松的移臂: 试着在移臂的时候尽可能的放松,以便于在入水的时候能够直接伸到较低的更好的抓水位置。试着让手指尖在水面拖行,让大臂与胸夹角小些,前后摇晃小臂(沿身体方向),入水时稍微向外侧一些,或者其它你能想到的方法,放慢动作耐心体会,事半功倍。

                                                      Final Words
Zombie arms is not a technical term. You won't see it written in any swimming book. But achieving the combination of better posture, relaxed shoulder joint and a more effective catch will do wonders for your stroke, especially if you can maintain it during each breath.
And if you're not a zombie fan, The Creature From the Black Lagoon also uses this technique. Let us know which you prefer.  Grrr. Arrgghhh!

僵尸手并不是技术术语。任何游泳专业书藉都没有这一说法。但是如果能做到上述姿势组合,放松肩关节和有效的抓水会极大的提高你的泳技,尤其是在你呼吸时仍能保持正确姿势的时候。 如果你不喜欢僵尸手,黑湖里生物也用这项技术。告诉我们你喜欢什么姿势。哇吖吖,啊……..
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