iswim 发表于 2022-4-16 17:07:33
20246 71

modifying a technique that we just showed the full rotation, it reminds me of, I had I had a student recently that was doing a big swim a big open water swim is the first time you've ever done an open water swim. It's pretty scary swim actually, out in San Francisco, from a prison. So this was his first swim that he had ever done in open water. So about two weeks before the event he came in, and he said, very, very tentative, very, very nervous and scared, because he was having a hard time getting to air and then, you know, kind of regaining his focus. So there was some, there was some panic that was going on. So the drill that we just showed with the full rotation, so if you haven't seen, I'll try to link to it. So you're going to go to full rotation. And then on your back, you're going to do a flutter kick with a half skull, it's almost like an elementary backstroke. And his fear in in going to the back his fear of rotation, was that the current would then move him too much out of out of line. And so what we're going to see here is that I'm going to go to moderate speed. So the waters not gonna be set really fast, kind of like what you would want if you're doing a long open water swim. And I'm gonna take a couple regular breaths. But then if, you know, I'm going to simulate that, if I was in a situation where I needed to catch my breath, I needed to, you know, regain my composure, like go all the way over to my back, and we'll see it from the camera above, I'm going to do an elementary backstroke, we're not going to incorporate breaststroke kick into this, that would be cheating for me because we have a good breaststroke kick. But not everybody can do that. So we're going to incorporate flutter kick with a half recovery backstroke. And you'll see that I can pretty much stay in the same place, I don't go much slower, I'll have to force a little bit in here, but you still have forward momentum, you still have forward progress being done. And so you can take a break, you can relax, you can chill out for a little bit, look around you see the sights you know, make the swim enjoyable, but still regaining your composure so that's gonna be the big thing here. So here we go. Show the actual movement more slowly swing the waters a little calmer.
As with everything in our sport, when you're setting up a propulsive move, you want to think about minimizing the resistance to get to that point. So the hands were brought up inside the elbows, and then sweep out. So make sure you're not trying to bring everything up too wide, because that will create too much resistance. So it actually doesn't take much force on the hands. When you're pushing them down. It doesn't take much force to keep things moving. So he saw, I lifted my head at one point. Again, just looking around. So like if you're if you're swimming away from an island, and you want to make sure that you're in line. You're looking ahead, obviously you're citing but when you turn around, you can actually see behind you to make sure that you're going directly away from the starting point that you were at. So there's a lot of advantages to going all the way over on your back. And one is again Take a break regain composure get yourself feeling safe and and then get back to back to the swim or just stay there for the rest of the time whatever works

moci_chen 发表于 2022-4-16 18:04:44
江中魔鱼 发表于 2022-4-16 18:29:17
呜咪 发表于 2022-4-16 18:50:34
苏小钰 发表于 2022-4-16 20:50:20
南追 发表于 2022-4-16 23:47:21
Psyche 发表于 2022-4-17 09:19:26
叮当 发表于 2022-4-17 10:30:09
瞎ice娃娃 发表于 2022-4-17 10:36:02
小编阿达 发表于 2022-4-17 10:42:23
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