iswim 发表于 2022-4-16 17:08:01
20421 71

Making sure that our bodies stay balanced in the water is obviously incredibly important. Working on rotational balance, in order to get the breath to, to have a stable body line in 360 degrees is something that is is incredibly important as well. Because of freestyle backstroke, you want to make sure that when you go to air in freestyle that you're not lifting or the body doesn't sink. So a fairly easy exercise to do is to go from face down to face up. And to make this as easy as possible. And to make sure that there's there's very little stress on the joints for the back. We're going to do this very slowly, we're going to start in position 11 kick. So we're going to work on flutter kick. And when we work on flutter kick on our stomach, in this position, the feet should be breaking the surface of the water so slightly, making sure that we know that nothing is dropping down. So if you look at it from the surface, you see the back of my head, my back, my my hips, my butt, and then you should see the feet engaged with the surface of the water, then I'm simply going to drop my right arm, I'm going to drop it down to my side. And as I drop it down to my side, I'm going to roll over onto my back, and I'll be looking directly up at the mirror above me. When it's time to go back, I'm going to take my arm, bring it across my body to shift the weight over and across, and my body should fall back over to the facedown position. And so I'm going to do this to each side, so that we can work on balance on both sides. So here we go. In between those, you can feel free to take a few strokes of freestyle. And then actually that would be where you go to breathe to make sure you're practicing the rotation. It isn't over rotation. It's also a real safe place to go. If you want to take a break. Let's say you're doing some open water swimming, and you want to relax, you can you can go there. And there's some, obviously some variations that you can do within this. So I'm going to play around with it a little bit showing both arms down, hands forward. So just playing with some different options or variations, so that when you go to air, you can work on more of a balanced approach to air. So the full rotation means that nothing's going to come out of line. And then when you only go for a partial rotation or a regular breath, you may be better able to hold the body in line once you get used to the full rotation. So we're gonna play with it for a little bit and let's see what comes out.
So the real idea behind this particular exercise is to practice a full rotation of the body, making sure that we're not lifting our head, taking pressure off the lower back, working the legs a little bit. And really trying to make sure that the body is always within that cylinder, not falling out of line. And so if there is some support or bracing that occurs when you breathe, sometimes going farther, you know more than more rotation than you need is something that helps teach that that line or that cylinder, so hope it helps

黑泽式 发表于 2022-4-16 18:50:34
酱油水PK龙虾 发表于 2022-4-16 18:56:38
呜咪 发表于 2022-4-16 19:27:17
百草滋味 发表于 2022-4-16 21:17:26
晓雨 发表于 2022-4-16 22:18:09
刺果果 发表于 2022-4-16 22:33:31
hog 发表于 2022-4-16 23:47:21
阳光 发表于 2022-4-17 08:52:01
Daisy 发表于 2022-4-17 09:46:56
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