[视频] 游泳四式-扶板滚翻也可以练习水下海豚腿

灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2016-7-15 16:33:42
25133 39

Sometimes achieving greatness means finding places to practice skills you’ll need, when you’re training something else.

Why do it:
During your kick sets, while you’re working your legs, kickboard flips will allow you to also work your underwater dolphin kicks.

How to do it:
1 - During your kick set, approach the wall, and one stroke prior to the turn, pull one arm down to pull into the wall.
2 - Follow the arm around and perform a flip turn.
3 - Get both hands on the board prior to leaving the wall.
4 - Push off into a few underwater dolphin kicks.

How to do it really well (the fine points):
This really has nothing to do with the flip turn, but rather, the underwater dolphins. Doing the flip turn will help overload the lungs just a bit and train you better to get used to managing your air control when you’re swimming.

Push off a bit downward, not flat, as the board will force you back to the surface too quickly. The buoyancy of the board will help you learn how ride the natural direction of the body upward while the lungs are still full of air.

Count your dolphin kicks when you start a set, and challenge yourself to maintain that number through the entire kick set.

小记者 发表于 2016-7-15 20:05:17
Sometimes achieving greatness means finding places to practice skills you’ll need, when you’re training something else.
Why do it:
During your kick sets, while you’re working your legs, kickboard flips will allow you to also work your underwater dolphin kicks.
How to do it:
1 - During your kick set, approach the wall, and one stroke prior to the turn, pull one arm down to pull into the wall.
1 -在你踢腿时,接近池边,最后一个手后进行滚翻,向下推水臂接近池边。
2 - Follow the arm around and perform a flip turn.
2 -跟随手臂翻转登离池壁。
3 - Get both hands on the board prior to leaving the wall.
3 -双手扶板离开墙壁。
4 - Push off into a few underwater dolphin kicks.
4 -蹬离后进行海豚腿踢腿。
How to do it really well (the fine points):
This really has nothing to do with the flip turn, but rather, the underwater dolphins. Doing the flip turn will help overload the lungs just a bit and train you better to get used to managing your air control when you’re swimming.
Push off a bit downward, not flat, as the board will force you back to the surface too quickly. The buoyancy of the board will help you learn how ride the natural direction of the body upward while the lungs are still full of air.
Count your dolphin kicks when you start a set, and challenge yourself to maintain that number through the entire kick set.
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使用道具 举报

moci_chen 发表于 2016-7-25 13:46:33
筱毓 发表于 2016-8-13 21:07:39
可可 发表于 2016-8-25 08:47:37
schino 发表于 2016-9-3 13:23:24
你家小银龙 发表于 2016-9-5 22:00:26
先把基础打好。  扶板打腿是基础中的基础 把这个动作练熟 以后会很轻松,一起努力
dolphin_2 发表于 2016-9-15 12:51:53
白纬姮 发表于 2016-10-2 08:39:23
打腿是本,是基础,跳过几万米的打腿 ,去做其他动作训练,尤其是手臂,转肩等训练,都是将大楼往沙地上造,最终都是白练.就算颤颤微微的大楼,也是畸形的
yefeng8107 发表于 2016-10-4 12:22:44
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