[外文游泳文献] Meet Etiquette 比赛技巧

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-20 11:36:02
13370 1
This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week is an excerpt from the January-February 2004 issue of Splash, in which special correspondent Cami Grebel-Bremer writes about meet etiquette. Follow these nine points to get the most out of any meet you’re competing in this season.
本周的Speedo贴士节选自2004年1~2月份Splash杂志,特约记者Cami Grebel-Bremer发表了一些关于比赛的技巧。试试这9个建议吧,你会发现这个赛季的每次比赛你都会取得好成绩。

Grebel-Bremer’s Tips:

Arrive on time. Get to a meet early enough to settle down into a ‘spot’ with your team and be ready with your cap and goggles on when the warm-up session starts. Meet warm-ups are often short and crowded, so it’s important to be on time.

Be prepared. It is best to know what events you are swimming BEFORE warm-up. This way, you can practice the appropriate starts, turns and sprints in the warm-up. Also, make sure that you have everything you need – towels, swimsuit, water bottle, cap and goggles.

Sit with your teammates and cheer. Swim meets are the best time to get to know your teammates and build team spirit. It is also easier for your coach and teammates (relay members) to find you if they need you.

Stay positive. If you have a bad swim, or you don’t want to swim the events you’re entered in, get over it and just do your best. In her Road to Athens Journal, recently published on USA Swimming’s web site, Mary DeScenza writes, “Sometimes your coach puts you in an event you do not like. You just have to do your best and not complain.”
保持进取的思想状态。如果你的比赛比砸了,或者你忽然不想参加你所报名的比赛了,你一定要克服这些想法,你需要的是拿出你的最大的热忱并做到最好!在最近的USA Swimming网站上,Mary DeScenza在她的通往雅典的征程上写道:“有些时候你的教练给你报了一些你不喜欢的项目,但你最好不要抱怨,而是努力的比好每一个比赛!”

Bring plenty of drinks and snacks. Know how much water you will need (about 8 ounces per event) and be prepared. Bring light snacks to munch on, such as fruit, goldfish or string cheese. You don’t want to be buying Skittles from the concession stand.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-20 11:36:18
Realize that relays are just as important as your individual events (if not more so). Give it your all and help pump up your teammates (no matter which relay you’re on). Swim in the relay order your coach gave you, and HAVE FUN! Also, stay and cheer on your team until your last teammate is out of the water.

Talk to your coach and cool down after every event. Make sure that you see your coach after each event to get input on your race. And if you have time, cool down between events until your heart rate is below 100. Cooling down will make a huge difference in your body’s ability to recover for future races.

Respect the meet officials. Remember that these are volunteers who want to see you get the most out of swimming. Go so far as to thank the person who DQ’d you for helping you to improve.

Clean up ALL of your mess. It is important to leave your area just as you found it. Throw away your empty bottles and Power Bar wrappers. If your teammates left a mess, go ahead and pick it up. That’s what teammates are for!
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游泳科学:优化水中运动表现的技术、体能、营养和康复指导 是全面展现游泳运动科学知识与运动表现提升的专业指导书。全书从游泳运动的发展历程、科研发现、装备与技术革新,以及这项运动所涉及的运动员生理、心理和技术层面的理论与实践讲起,通过科学图表与数据分析,将优化游泳运动表现的重要方面——技术、体能、营养和康复进行了细致地讲解。书中还重点介绍了游泳训练的方法,包括泳池训练和陆上训练两部分,旨在帮助游泳教练、运动员及爱好者形成标准化的训练体系,有效提升游泳运动表现。
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