[外文游泳文献] Encouraging athletes to coach each other(鼓励运动员们要互相训导)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-21 21:15:30
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This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Kyle Schack, the assistant coach at Arizona State University. Schack, who served as a coach at the 2007 USA Swimming Zone Select Camp, encourages athletes to coach each other.  

Teammates have an outstanding opportunity to coach each other during daily training. When the coach-athlete feedback exchange starts to feel repetitive, it is helpful to have the athlete’s teammates deliver the same message. I have often found that hearing constructive criticism from one’s peers oftentimes drives home the message, even if your swimmer has heard it many times from his or her coach. The peer feedback seems to provide a sense of urgency and adds another level of accountability to one’s teammates.

I encourage coaches to foster a training atmosphere where swimmers take responsibility for not only their own training, but that of their teammates as well. Set up opportunities for peer-to-peer coaching on a regular basis so that swimmers feel confident in their ability to give and receive constructive feedback. Many programs will have seniors work with underclassmen or a senior training group work with a developmental group on skills such as turns, stroke technique and starts.

Encourage your swimmers to approach providing feedback in a positive way. Explain the difference between criticism and one’s teammate caring enough to speak up to try to make another teammate a better swimmer. Potentially offending an athlete is an issue that needs to be addressed, and will improve with time and participation.

Eventually, the swimmers will carry with them a mentality of team accountability throughout practice. This awareness will generate a collective team approach to the sport that supports daily improvement. When swimmers take part in others’ swimming they become more responsible for their own swims.  In post-race conversations they can see things more objectively and the talks become more productive.

全浸中也有关于Team Learning(团队学习)的概念。这种学习方法,可以让大家更容易发现并解决问题,也能增进相互之间的感情。因此,找个伴和你一起游泳吧!
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