[视频] 成就游泳冠军-青少年自由泳技巧 头引导的滚动练习 Demo

iswim 发表于 2012-10-5 23:00:35
22643 13
成就游泳冠军-自由泳技巧练习 辅助练习-2
成就游泳冠军-青少年自由泳技巧  头引导的滚动练习 Demo

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Snowland01 发表于 2012-10-6 22:43:26
本帖最后由 Snowland01 于 2012-10-6 22:45 编辑


OK,I want you to rotate to your left side. Now, as you rotate, you want to maintain posture line and balance. As you rotate, you don’t want to stop, looking at the bottom and then go here. Side to side, freestyle, championship freestylers swim from side to side. And when you spend time on your front, you like a barge in the water. When you on your side you cut in through the water. And you want to be a cut in swimmer. Alright here we go. You’re gonna swim just once. OK, start out on your left side. Ready……Go. Eyes on the bottom, now leave your head in the position, just switch. Rotate! Beautiful. Rotate. That’s it, hold up, hold up. That was almost perfectly done.

好,我要你们滚动到左侧。现在,当你转动的时候,我要你们维持身体的姿势、流线型和平衡。当你们转动的时候,不要停下来,看着池底,开始吧。从一侧滚动到另一侧,冠军自由泳就是从一侧到另一侧滚动游进的。当你们趴在水上时,你们在水里就像一只驳船。当你们侧身时就像劈水而过。你们应该成为劈水游进的游泳者。好的开始吧。你们就练一次。好的,从左侧开始。准备……开始。眼睛看池底,保持头位置不变,只是转换不同侧。 转动,很好,转动。对了,坚持住。几乎做得很完美了。

You’re traveling on your side, You want to rotate from one side to the other. When you think about rotation, the rotation comes from the bottom of the hips. Too often if you think you’re gonna to rotate from the hips. People think about the hips up here, and pretty soon they move their rotations somewhere in the rib cage and leave their hips behind. But if you think of rotating at the bottom of your hips, your rotate from the hips max the power of freestyle.


So when you rotate, you think from the bottom of the hips that you’re gonna rotate. OK, here we go. You start out on your right side this time. Same drill. Ready……Go. Rotate, rotate, rotate, rotate. Very nice, very very nice. Alright now. Vivian, you had a little hesitation. What you actually think about is you go from the balance line on one side and you take your top side your body right down on that balance line. When I say rotate, then you take your top side of you body right down on your balance line. OK, one more time, same drills. Ready……Travel! Rotate, rotate, rotate, rotate, rotate, very nice.


This time, I am gonna ask you to think your breath in. Championship freestyle, the breathing fits in the body rotation. You want to have breathing be part of body rotation. So, you traveling on your side, you looking at the bottom, when you rotate, you rotate through you take your head with it, right here and we turn to look at the bottom. So you rotate, now you take your head with your body rotation, you breathing, then you return the head to the line. And you leave your body on the side.


Let’s try that, we start on the right side, right over the black line now. Ready……Travel! Rotate, rotate, rotate, rotate, good. Good, hold it. Whenever you take your breath, you want your mouth to be as close to the surface of the water as possible. If you take your whole face out of the water, you are turning too far. You almost look like you’re going to backstroke. I want you to get your breath with the corner of your mouth still under the water. So turn your head as little as possible. Alright here we go. You rotate, get your breath, right back in line.


OK, you kind of press for the breath. If you have half of your head under the water whenever doing the head lead balance drill, when you rotate I want you have half of your head under the water all the time. When you rotate half of your head under the water. When you take a breath half of your head still under the water. The top of your head is still leading. OK, here we go. Ready……travel. Go! Rotate……better. Rotate, rotate, rotate. Alright hold up.


In championship freestyle, many time it very difficult unless you look very closely to know whether an athlete is breathing or now. They turn their head so little, they actually breath underneath the surface of the water, in the basic of the bollwave. Now this time, I want you to travel on your side……(to be continued)

在冠军自由泳中,很多时候,除非你看得非常近,你很难发现专业运动员是否在呼吸。他们头部的转动幅度如此小,以至于他们实际上是在水面下呼吸,在波谷里。这次,我要你们侧躺……( 待续)

P.S. 奎克教练太唐僧了{:soso_e147:}{:soso_e133:}


参与人数 1贡献 +5 收起 理由
林琳 + 5 很给力!


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凯恩斯 发表于 2012-10-5 23:41:54
悠着点吧 发表于 2012-10-6 10:27:23
waiting for ...翻译。
我要快乐323 发表于 2012-10-6 21:37:14
phillipz 发表于 2012-10-6 23:08:01
Snowland01 发表于 2012-10-6 22:43

khhak 发表于 2012-10-6 23:46:58
林琳 发表于 2012-10-7 00:13:16
wwwbbsnet 发表于 2012-10-7 01:39:42
YMCA 发表于 2012-10-7 09:29:23
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