iswim 发表于 2019-5-24 08:24:49
24829 70
Additional Drills for Teaching Bent-Arm Pull

Sculling Drills
I use 3 sculling positions to help swimmers master the backstroke bent-arm pull.
The first is the “waving-at-your-feet scull.”
I use this with our youngest swimmers when we practice backstroke kick with arms at the sides.
I start with the swimmers on deck in a standing position with arms down. I have them extend their wrists, with palms facing down.
Then, they imitate, following the instruction of “press out with the thumbs down and press in with the little fingers down.” Most swimmers get it.
I have the swimmers scull on a solid surface so they feel each side of their hand as they pitch one way and then the other.
For those who need help, I guide them through the correct motion.
Next, we take this sculling motion to the water and repeat the same routine while standing on the bottom. We want the swimmers to feel the pressure of the water on their hands.
After standing scull, we go to a back float, without kicking, and practice sculling with palms facing toward the wall they are leaving.
If they do it correctly they will move forward.
I believe that teaching this scull early in a child’s swimming career pays huge technical dividends down the line. Simply, they are developing a feel for the water.
The second scull I teach for backstroke is the “W” scull. Have the swimmer start in a “T” back float, with arms extended out to the side.
The swimmer turns the palms toward the wall they are leaving and then moves the arms into a big “W” position by pulling their elbow toward the bottom of the pool.
Next, the swimmer waves at the wall they are sculling away from.
The third scull is the one-arm rotated-catch scull. Have the swimmer get into a side-glide position and turn the palm toward the feet.
I instruct the swimmer to do multiple little “push sculls” so they feel the pressure of the water on the palm and fingers.
The scull teaches the swimmers to feel the important catch position that sets up the bent-arm pull.


jones 发表于 2019-5-29 14:44:43
小编阿达 发表于 2019-6-13 11:06:49
taeki 发表于 2019-6-21 16:46:11
Helen 发表于 2019-6-29 11:30:24
快乐小狼狗 发表于 2019-7-2 16:45:34
明若 发表于 2019-7-11 17:45:44
左手拿镰刀 发表于 2019-7-26 09:59:49
jessicahong 发表于 2019-7-28 11:49:19
蕾丝蛙 发表于 2019-7-29 16:29:44
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