[外文游泳文献] Matt Kredich: All Access Butterfly with Matt Kredich featuring Christine Magnuso

iswim 发表于 2011-4-5 01:24:55
10181 1
Matt Kredich: All Access butterfly with Matt Kredich featuring Christine Magnuson
Matt Kredich All Access Butterfly
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2011-4-5 01:25:11
Product Description
with Matt Kredich, University of Tennessee Head Coach; 2008 SEC Women's Coach of the Year, 4x Ivy League Coach of the Year This in-depth instruction is broken down into 13 segments: * Undulation Drills. Kredich takes Magnuson through a front and side undulation sequence that focuses on creating a forward movement on a very tight line. * Pull Drills: Learn a five-drill sequence that connects the tight line undulation to the propulsion that the pull creates. * Catch Drills. Discover innovative positional drills that will allow your swimmers to experience the feel of the catch without full stroke swimming. * Full Stroke and Stroke Inefficiencies. Kredich provides full stroke demonstration and instruction, common stroke errors and full stroke analysis. Learn what to look for as you watch your swimmers swim the butterfly, what errors might be slowing them down, the best angles to view your swimmers, and more. * The Pull. Kredich utilizes a Vasa Trainer and Swiss balls to breakdown all segments of the pull. He vividly demonstrates how the proper pull technique can effect body position. * The Kick. Get a complete on-deck instructional breakdown of the timing of each of the two kicks in the butterfly stroke. Engage your swimmers in a variety of multi positional kicking drills. * Evolution of Christine's butterfly. Listen in as Kredich and Magnuson share a candid conversation on how Christine's stroke evolved to the championship form that it is today; including the decision to switch from front breathing to side breathing. * The Breath. Learn the timing technique of the breath and get instruction for both front and side breathing and the benefits of each. * The Start. See a step-by-step breakdown of the block set up, dive execution, entry and breakout of Christine's start. * The Turn. Kredich focuses on a tight, fast and efficient spin that gives the best opportunity for a fast and efficient change of direction at the wall. 190 minutes. (2 DVDs). 2010.
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