自由泳技巧-不协调技巧练习法说明Unco Drill

2015-9-5 15:05| 发布者: admin| 查看: 2824| 评论: 48 |原作者: 水将军

Unco Drill Purpose Helps you develop rhythm and timing of your strokeIt brings many stroke elements together, forcing you to time your catch, pull and body rotation correctlyIt also can help t ...
Unco Drill



  • Helps you develop rhythm and timing of your stroke
  • It brings many stroke elements together, forcing you to time your catch, pull and body rotation correctly
  • It also can help tune your breathing timing to the rotation of your body
  • Remember if the drill is tough you’re probably highlighting an area of your stroke that needs some work, so stick with it!
Key Points

  • Short for uncoordinated, this is a challenging drill, most suited to upper-intermediate and advanced swimmers (but everyone should give it a go!)
  • Use fins, push off and pull with one arm, with the other relaxed by your side
  • Breathe away from the stroking arm, timing your head turn to the rotation of your body
  • Make sure you rotate your body to both sides, by driving the non-stroking arm shoulder down, using the mantra:

Stroke and dip

Think About

  • You should feel a surge forwards as you generate propulsion with one arm
  • If you feel like you’re bobbing up and down you’re probably pressing down too much at the catch causing your legs to sink, creating drag rather than pushing the water backwards
The King of Drills

  • We call Unco the ‘King of Drills’ because it is beneficial to almost every swimmer, even elites
  • No other drill works as well to put all the elements of the stroke together in the right timing
Progression into full stroke

  • You’ll feel the magic of Unco when you swim freestyle immediately after performing the drill
  • Swim the drill breathing one way then full stroke freestyle breathing the same way (breathe every 2 or 4 arm pulls), repeat on the other side
  • Keep the fins on and feel the easier rhythm and timing of the stroke- for some it can be a revelation!

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