[初阶泳者] 如何通过踩水提高游泳技能-isport系列视频

isport 发表于 2012-10-26 13:44:22
20718 20
Many people fear deep water – it can be quite intimidating! Learning to tread water is essential to being safer and feeling more confident and competent in the water. This iSport Lesson covers different techniques for treading water.



 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 13:47:13
When treading water, most people immediately think of their legs. Your hands, however, play an essential role in keeping you above the water, as well. To start treading water, stand in shallow water. Place your forearms below the surface of the water and sweep them back and forth, and keep your wrist stiff as you do this. This motion is called “sculling.” You should feel the water moving around you from the force of your forearms.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 13:51:04
Once you get the hang of the sculling motion with your arms, test out your legs. The most basic, yet most exhausting, form of treading water is the flutter kick. Go to a part of the pool where you cannot stand and grip the wall. Place your legs vertically beneath you, and start using flutter kicks. Move your feet back and forth in quick scissor-kick motions, keeping your toes pointed.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 14:12:36
If you feel comfortable with the flutter kick, move away from the wall and attempt it to do it without holding onto anything. But still stay close enough to grab onto it if you need to. If you’re having trouble treading water without holding onto the wall, try holding onto a floatation device – such as a kickboard or noodle.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 14:13:54
A slightly more advanced – yet less tiring – form of treading water is using a breaststroke kick. Again, start at the wall. Place your arms on the wall and keep your feet underneath you. Straighten your legs and bring them together. Then, bend your knees with your legs still touching. As you do so, flex your feet and move your legs apart by moving them outward and away from each other. Then snap your legs together by extending your feet toward the bottom of the pool once more. You should be back in your starting position with your legs straightened. Then bring your feet together and repeat.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 14:14:24
Once you get the hang of treading water with a breaststroke kick, try to keep yourself afloat by using this technique to tread water slightly away from the wall. Once again, use a floatation device to assist you if you need help. )
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 14:14:40
Water safety is the most important aspect as soon as you set foot in the pool. To keep yourself afloat, learning how to tread water is crucial.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 14:17:38
Let’s Review what we’ve just learned about how to tread water:
Keep your wrists stiff as you scull your arms back and forth.
To tread water using a flutter kick, bring your legs underneath you to perform scissor-kick motions and point your toes.
To tread water using a breaststroke kick, flex your feet and snap your legs together.
And for safety purposes, always stay close to the wall.
Kurdt 发表于 2012-10-26 14:31:05
云中之猪 发表于 2012-10-26 17:32:04
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