[中阶泳者] 自由式游泳训练:指尖拖水技术-isport系列视频

isport 发表于 2012-10-26 13:23:07
22464 30
Using a high-elbow recovery in freestyle is easier on your shoulder. It also helps you maintain proper body position and encourages your body to rotate. This iSport Lesson will demonstrate the fingertip drag drill that teaches high-elbow recovery during freestyle.


 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 13:27:38
The "recovery" part of the freestyle stroke happens when swimmers bring their hands back over the water after the underwater pull. Moving an arm through the air is easier than moving an arm through the water, and since the recovery is not used to propel the swimmer forward, it should be completed as quickly and easily as possible, and this fingertip drag drill will help you learn how to do just that:
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 13:28:37
First, push off the wall. Once you're at the surface of the water, take one underwater pull and leave your other arm stretched out in front of you.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 13:29:21
During the recovery of your first stroke, drag your fingertips along the surface of the water. Keep your fingers close to your side and bend your elbow.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 13:30:08
After your hand passes your head, slice your hand into the water the way you normally would in freestyle. 当你的手通过你的头时,将手切入水中。
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 13:30:53
With your other arm, pull underwater, and then drag your fingertips on your recovery.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 13:31:54
Maintain a high elbow during your pull underwater, keeping it near the surface of the water.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 13:36:19
Here are a few tips:
As you drag your fingertips, roll onto your side. This will help your hand stay close to your body on your recovery, instead of swinging out wide. This will also help you point your elbow directly up toward the sky.
Focus on a high elbow and low hand as you do the fingertip drag. You can do so my trying to get your elbow above your wrist as you recover.
Remember that it's better to do the drill slowly and correctly to enforce the right technique. Once you start swimming regular freestyle, it should feel very similar to the fingertip drag drill, with the exception of dragging your fingers through the water – not along its surface.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-26 13:37:41
Let's review what we just learned about this drill:
Push off the wall and start swimming freestyle.
On each recovery, keep your elbow bent and drag your fingertips along the surface of the water.
Maintain the high elbow during your underwater pull.
悠雅 发表于 2012-10-26 14:10:37
isport 发表于 2012-10-26 13:37
Let's review what we just learned about this drill:让我们回顾一下我们刚刚得知的新技术:Push off the  ...

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