[视频] 新ARENA广告里的漂亮英国妞Francesca Hansall谁熟悉?

猪八戒 发表于 2010-7-24 09:28:54
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Here is a promo video I edited when British swimmer Francesca Hansall signed with Arena

 楼主| 猪八戒 发表于 2010-7-24 09:29:22



就拿不列颠的女子4*100米混合泳队来说吧,上周她们以3分59秒33的成绩打破了洲纪录,并获得了欧洲冠军.只有美国队和澳大利亚队的成绩好于Elizabeth Simmonds, Kate Haywood, Jemma Lowe and Francesca Halsall.如果说她们的成绩是惊人的,那她们的年龄则更为惊人: 平均仅仅17岁!


英国队的突破已经酝酿了很久.在2004年11月,在墨西哥的一个偏远的训练中心里,12名最出色的12到15岁女孩被选拔进入了英国游泳队,包括Halsall, Lowe和Simmonds.她们被置于斯巴达式的训练中心,他们的食物选择非常有限,并且在最艰苦的训练后,一名老师会确保她们接受足够的学校教育.

除了她们明显的身体条件,这些女孩还拥有混杂的因素....态度,坚韧,顽强,努力,决心.她们的教练,也是选拔的主导者,Bill Sweetenham, Chelsea Warr说.他们是英国奥委会的澳大利亚选秀人员.

父母和教练以前就见证了的事情,第一次展露在世界面前是在2006年,英国在欧洲青年锦标赛中卷取了22面奖牌,其中Halsall, Simmonds, Jessica Dickons获得了金牌.那年早些时候,仅仅15岁的Halsall在06年墨尔本举行的英联邦运动会上获得了两面接力银牌.

Colin Stripe,作为带领着利物浦人Halsall从初学者一直到欧洲冠军的教练,将他的责任描述为和她一起工作非常好...她有完美的工作态度,并且她象一名教练一样向你提问.象FRAN这样的人走进门来是一项荣誉.她是每个教练都祈祷可以带领的队员.在一个50米的标准池建成后,训练可以在模拟奥运会的环境下展开了.


这将会带来非常大的不同.这将帮助我们的年青人进步到下一个档次.STRIPE说,他一生培养年轻的游泳运动员,然后在他们成长起来后挥手告别.这对约翰.阿特金森来说同样是美妙的音乐,他是英国世界级项目中的游泳负责人,负责将最好的训练环境提供给英国运动员.有没有一个孩子每天必须跋涉150英里才能训练? 他问道. 这将是一张游泳选手提前退役和筋疲力尽的父母的收据


还有HANNAL MILEY,英国第一个400米混合泳选手.另外在澳大利亚的黄金海岸,CHRIS NESBIT教练率领一帮英国男孩永久性的驻扎在南港学校,以获得和澳大利亚人一样在游泳天堂生活的条件.




Golden generation eye Olympic glory

WHEN the Olympic swimming trials get under way in Sheffield tomorrow the race will have as much to do with London 2012 as it will Beijing 2008 for a wave of teenage talent.

Take the Great Britain 4x100m medley relay quartet who claimed the European crown last week in a continental record of 3min 59.33sec. Only the US and Australia are ahead of Elizabeth Simmonds, Kate Haywood, Jemma Lowe and Francesca Halsall. If their speed is impressive, so too is their average age � just 17.

The European record had stood since 2002 and after the splits of Simmonds, Haywood and Lowe came Halsall’s 53.02sec freestyle leg. The 17-year-old’s split time is the fifth fastest ever behind four women who hold the Olympic, world and European titles and world and European records in the individual 100m freestyle. Average age: 25.

The British breakthrough had been long in the making. In November 2004, at a remote altitude training centre in Mexico, 13 of the most talented 12 to 15-year-old girls to be fished out of British waters, including Halsall, Lowe and Simmonds, were placed in Spartan living quarters, their choice of food was limited and in between the hardest training they had done, a tutor made sure school was not forgotten.

Beyond their obvious physical attributes, the girls had “the mongrel factor . . . attitude, tenacity, persistence, effort, determination” as described by the masterminds behind their selection, coach Bill Sweetenham and Chelsea Warr, Australian talent spotter for the British Olympic Association.

What parents and coaches saw much earlier, the world first got a flavour of in 2006, when Britain won 22 medals at the European junior championships with titles for Halsall, Simmonds and Jessica Dickons. Earlier that year, Halsall, just 15, won two silver medals in relays at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne.

Colin Stripe, who has coached Liverpudlian Halsall from virtual beginner to European champion, describes his charge as “great fun to work with . . . she has a fabulous work ethic and she challenges you as a coach. It’s a privilege when someone like Fran walks through the door. It’s what every coach prays for”. Along with the delivery of a 50m pool, so training can be in an Olympic environment.

After the Olympic trials, Halsall will return home to a 50m pool at the £17m Aquatics Centre in Wavertree. She said: “At the moment, I train in an average 25m pool, so to have these kind of facilities at the Aquatics Centre is amazing.”

“It is going to make a tremendous difference. This will allow us to take our young swimmers to the next level,” said Stripe after a lifetime of having to wave goodbye to generations of swimmers he had nurtured early in their careers. It is also music to the ears of John Atkinson, British swimming’s Director of World-Class Programmes, tasked with delivering the best training environment in Britain. “Does a child have a 150-mile round trip to training every day?” he asked. “It’s recipe for early retirement for swimmers and knackered parents.”

Halsall is not the only one from British Swimming’s Smart Track programme set to make the Olympic team in their junior years. Simmonds has been the fastest backstroke swimmer of her age in the world since she was 13, while Lowe and Dickons are on a headlong rush towards the world top 10 on butterfly.

There is also Hannah Miley, the first sub4:40 medley swimmer in Britain, while on the Gold Coast in Australia, coach Chris Nesbit has been honing a team of British schoolboys based permanently at The Southport School in order to live as Australians live in swimming paradise.

Simmonds, who won four golds at the 2007 European Junior Championships, summed up the momentum of the London 2012 generation when she said: “It is so exciting to be a part of a success. We’ve worked hard but it’s been the biggest fun you could ever have. We’ve got a huge challenge ahead, but I can’t think of anyone whose not looking forward to it. London 2012 is a massive motivation.”

As he left Britain prematurely, Sweetenham’s last words were granted to the Smart Track crew. “They are talented young people who need nurturing and guiding. There are no guarantees on a long and complex journey from 12 to a mature athlete of twenty-something. What we do know is that these are very special young athletes indeed. This is a generation that has grown up with a different approach to their sport. Every day, they practice skills in and out of the pool in everything that they do. Winning, in the pool and in life, is a habit for them.” They will not swim as a team but as rivals in the week ahead. Prepare for a week in which the British record book is torn to shreds. The London 2012 games have already begun.

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol ... /article3646435.ece
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