iswim 发表于 2021-5-23 17:58:29
23391 71
Israeli Olympian Andi Murez takes Position-11 Balance to a whole new level.  She's been working on this for years.  Can you do it?

To position 11 freestyle is just to work on a standard balanced body line. And the last time you were here was so beautiful, you started almost every swim with a position 11 push off working on your balance. So one of the things I want to I want to show is the mastery of balance. And so before we get into position 11, you have done such a great job of really achieving balance in so many different positions, that the one that was most impressive to me was actually the static position on your side, you're completely underwater, but it was perfectly parallel to the surface of the water. So if you start with just a flat balance, and then do what you did last time, just play Yeah.
So the faster you go, the more efficient you want to be, you have to have this ability to stay and remain balanced at all times from fingertips to toes, and just play with it. It's just, it's pretty incredible. How good Andy is at this skill, you can imagine that any propulsive force she puts on the body is gonna cause her to go forward.
And even throwing the weight of the arm pushes the front down. And we have to remember we go down to balance, we don't go up to balance, you see that her breath is involved in this because air is buoyant. So how long have you been working on that
for the past three years. Another one is starting with your arms and legs straight down. And then without moving too much, bringing both of them straight, and trying as much as possible at the same speed to bring up to a balanced position on the surface. I like starting swims like that, because it takes a lot of control. And then you're high on the water before you start swimming.
So we'll slow the water down for this, obviously, because it's just nice and relaxed. So go back about a 120 pace. And I think what you did the last time was you push off the back wall and position 11 and then just started. Well, it's position 11 swim, let's go even slower. Because you're gonna there's gonna be a pause in between each one to reestablish balance.
So she starts off flat on the surface of the water. And then just slowly starts to add her strokes. Maintaining a good long balanced body line. So this is this is really more of a balance exercise than a freestyle exercise. Always reestablishing the balance because we don't really want to end up in the center when you swim freestyle. So catch up is one of those things that is, you know, it's good and bad at the same time, but it's good. If you're working on balance. It's bad if you're working on timing.
So what what do you consider is good and what would not be so good about that particular drill
on your stomach, and when you're swimming freestyle, you want to be continuously rotating and spending most of your time on your side. But I think it is good to have that balance and be able to maintain your position there. So yeah, good drill.
Give me the exact same thing.

勇少 发表于 2021-5-23 22:32:57
阿布仔 发表于 2021-5-24 09:36:47
朵儿 发表于 2021-5-24 13:25:57
大白菜 发表于 2021-5-24 15:36:51
Psyche 发表于 2021-5-24 15:45:02
5457 发表于 2021-5-24 15:45:50
冠头 发表于 2021-5-24 15:45:59
Paul 发表于 2021-5-24 15:46:02
左安安 发表于 2021-5-24 15:49:39
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