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2021-5-3 10:44| 发布者: admin| 查看: 886| 评论: 72 |原作者: iswim

So your favorite thing is one eye breathing. So staying low. So let's just kind of focus on that. What I mean, we just got done talking about the, the, the low breath. So have you ever tried to breath ...
So your favorite thing is one eye breathing. So staying low. So let's just kind of focus on that. What I mean, we just got done talking about the, the, the low breath. So have you ever tried to breathe with both eyes underwater?
No, I don't think so. I feel like I would be tilting my head.
It's just so. So ask Dave about Scott Tucker. No, it's you can actually just, you're just, you're just looking this way, rather than this way. So you're still going, but the eyes are looking down a little bit more, you're just not turning your head as far now you obviously have to be going a certain speed in order to have this happen. And to be honest with you, I can only do it to the left in this pool. Because again, the water is standing still a little bit more than a regular pool. Now, if you if you ask David about Scott Tucker, is the water right here like this was going this way that was going that way? Because of the flow in here. And so like you said, if if you're off a little bit, swallow water. But ask David about Scott Tucker, Scott Tucker, Sam for David at Auburn. And yeah, exactly. But Scott, you can't see him breathe. I posted a video on Instagram of Scott Tucker, breathing. And of course, everybody said, This isn't a video about breathing. But Scott Tucker had the lowest breath I've ever seen, you can stop it in one frame and see the corner of his mouth. That was it. So but again, two Olympic teams for the foreign free relay. So very successful swimmer, but very low and quick breath. So for you. Obviously, the breath has to be quick, because you don't have any time to spend out of the balance line. And we already know that if the breath is slow, what happens to the left hand?
Is that good? Is it good for rate or bad for rate. So obviously, a good breath is you can you can by going slow. The one thing that you do is turn the head back down so quickly in comparison to most people. Because your head can only be out of the water for a little bit of time. When do you exhale?
So do you in the water I try to do I don't always and that's either breath is sometimes slow. So do you exhale right before the head turn? Or do you do a continuous exhale in between the breaths.
Um, I don't know, continuous exhale. Again, it's like a balance because the air in your lungs keeps you higher. So I tried to do it as late as possible, but not right before because then I tend to be exhaling outside the water.
Okay. And one more question before you get to demonstrate, let's say in the Olympics, what's your breathing pattern for 100? Free,
good course.
I was playing with two to four. But just a few weeks. Last week, I tried only for the entire time and it wasn't bad. So I think I'm gonna add towards that.
You get to spend more time again in that balance position. But I think for you probably have to start really focusing on the exhale to make sure that you get complete oxygen exchange. Yeah, you know, and it could be easier.
Yeah, well, because, I don't know, I mean, cuz you know how they say like, when when you're telling someone to not breathe for 50, you don't end up getting that oxygen into your body into your muscles by the time you finish if you take a breath at 25 or later, and you don't need to beforehand. Um, and so I think that when I'm doing the two to four, one is that I try to change my rate, or my rate changes in the four versus the two. Because I'm not breathing, then it's a little quicker, so then it's constantly changing isn't good. And then also, I don't know that I'm necessarily getting a full breath,
right? Or those twos. So hopefully it'll be good could almost be in a hyperventilation standpoint because you're not getting the air out as much and maybe feeling shorter breath by going to that's interesting. So
yeah, it all Yeah, I mean, I used to do I don't know what's working on it. It's always
a process. Yeah, show us some good breathing please
Definitely one goggle only watch how fast their head turns back to head turns back long before the arm gets in. So, again, the focus of making sure that you're out of balance for a shorter period of time as possible. there's what's called a little bit longer. And this is the great thing. Now, here's someone that's already swarming the Olympics and the listen to what she's saying. She's continuing to try new things to learn, always always wanting to get better, which is really cool.
There are a couple of different ways there. Yeah,
I tried. I don't know what to do
the under the under stuff.
And then when I didn't get him, yeah.
This is what I always try to if I have someone that I'm working with to try to do it. First, I film them close up on their face without breathing but with the head turn to see whether or not they could actually get air

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