楼主: swimsmooth

[高阶泳者] 自由泳如何游得更快,同时保护你的肩膀---seahiker史诗巨作 公开水域视频

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-6-4 10:07:27
The main challenge that you have to overcome is again having little clue how to actually move your leg for the kick and what it should feel like.

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-6-4 10:07:37
Move your hip more: Kick deeper (when face down) or thrust your thigh to the ceiling on your back.

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-6-4 10:07:50
Relax your knee: Tight quads will stop a good kick before it begins. Your knee should be relaxed.

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-6-4 10:10:34
Floppy ankles: Imagine your feet are fins (flippers). The only way that they can bend like a fin, is if they are loose and supple. Yes, flexible ankles and feet really do help, but for most people it's muscle activation and lack of awareness that's the problem. When you run and cycle, you will flex your ankle (the position you're in when you're about to put weight on your foot). This will completely disarm your kicking from the start.

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-6-4 10:10:45
High tempo: Kicking too slowly creates more drag, sinks your legs and way more resistance - which means more hard work for you. Move your legs faster, so they feel light and effective.

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-6-4 10:10:56
Let's look at some drills to practice in order to get this feeling.

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-6-4 10:11:06
Skill Practice - Kicking Sensations

1. Kick on your back and make some noise

Kick on your back so that you can see, hear and feel your feet at the surface and your thighs moving up. If your ankles are truly loose and floppy, you should feel them bend with water pressure away from your shins, as the ankles extend.

1 仰漂打水,发出声响
 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-6-4 10:11:21
If you cannot hear or see your feet breaking the surface, you are either kicking too slowly, lifting your head up too high, bending at the knees too much (tight and active quads!), or just not moving your thigh at the hip joint with a large enough amplitude. Get those feet up!

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-6-4 10:11:32
How to feel this on dryland: Well, we can't really reproduce kicking on dry land, but you can feel the hip flexors and upper quads engage with this simple exercise.

 楼主| swimsmooth 发表于 2012-6-4 10:11:44
Lie down on your back. Hands resting down the length of your thighs. Lift one knee up slightly so it's relaxed. Then, gently lift your whole leg up a couple of inches, letting your ankle dangle. Repeat this movement several times. Then try it faster. This isn't the whole range of motion for kicking on your back but it helps you focus on initiating the kick from the hip while keeping the ankle and knee loose. Try it.

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