[初阶泳者] 学习如何建立一个快速高效的自由泳腿

isport 发表于 2012-10-13 18:44:05
16694 21
Flutter kick is the kick used for both freestyle and backstroke, and is an important part of generating speed and power for both these strokes. It is important to learn the correct way to flutter kick since bad technique will both slow you down and make you tired.


 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-13 18:44:36
In this iSport Lessons video, you will learn how to develop a fast, efficient flutter kick.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-13 18:47:08
Three things to know about flutter kick form:
Kick from the hip. This helps you kick with your entire leg, rather than just from the knee down.
Keep your legs mostly straight, but loose. Over-bending your knees too much is tiring and inefficient.
Point your toes. This is more streamlined, and will help you move through the water faster.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-13 18:48:35
Start by perfecting your flutter kick on the wall. Hold onto the side of the pool with both hands and put your face in the water. Start kicking, keeping your feet right at the surface of the water. You should kick fast enough to create whitewater. Play around with the size and speed of your kick to see what feels best.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-13 18:49:29
Try to keep your feet right at the surface of the water; if your foot comes entirely out of the water, your kick are too big. If your feet stay completely submerged, your hips and legs are too low.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-13 18:50:59
Next kick with a kickboard. Hold on to the kickboard with both hands and kick down the pool. You can keep your head up or down in the water. If you keep your head up, you will need to kick a little harder to keep your legs at the surface.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-13 18:52:37
You can also practice flutter kick in streamline position on your front or back, or on your side. Using short fins will help build endurance in your legs, and teach you to use short, fast kicks. Practicing flutter kick in different ways will help you develop your leg muscles and get used to using the kick as you swim.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-13 18:53:24
Let's review the elements of flutter kick:
Straight leg.
Kick from the hip.
Pointed toes.
Feet at the surface, creating whitewater.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-13 18:54:20
Kicking is one of the main sources of power in freestyle and backstroke, so learning correct technique and building up your leg muscles is important. You'll be surprised at how much easier it is to move through the water with a strong kick.
Snowland01 发表于 2012-10-13 19:16:14
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