[视频] 最新全浸TI游泳视频-画一条直线

灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2016-8-22 15:34:06
21850 0

Paint-Line-graphic.png Paint-Line-rehearse.png

The second cycle was most instructive for all three of us. In our first cycle, I’d observed that both Sergey and Dmitry looked a bit tight, and uncertain, during Recovery. To address this, I instructed them to lightly Paint a Line on the surface with fingertips (hanging from a Rag Doll arm)
First they rehearsed Rag Doll/Paint a Line–as shown below..
Rehearsal: Paint A Line and Rag Doll with right arm
排练:画一条线和Rag Doll用右手的手臂
Rehearsal: Paint A Line and Rag Doll with right arm
排练:画一条线和Rag Doll用右手的手臂
Then they tested their ability to do it while stroking. It should look like this:Paint Line graphic
In this case, it was Dmitry who succeeded. Sergey’s hand was a bit too close to his body–increasing tension in his shoulder. It was also several inches off the water–an occasion for energy waste, especially when multiplied by the thousands of strokes he would take in a triathlon or open water swim.
A much more important revelation was the keen degree of attention required for new skills that call on fine motor coordination–requiring the cooperation of multiple small muscles. This was an opportunity for a critical takeaway about the Skill of Focus.
Just as with motor skills, one must begin developing mental skills with relatively undemanding tasks. E.G. Forjust 4 to 5 strokes, can you lightly trace a wide straight line on the surface with fingertips. There’s no point in going farther–either a more complex skill, or swimming a greater distance–until you succeed at this.
To develop the ability to perform complex skills, one must first achieve consistency–and a degree of effortlessness–in a series of much simpler mini-skills.
To acquire the capacity for laser-sharp and unwavering focus–e.g. to remain calmly observant in a chaotic-seeming environment like the start of a triathlon swim–one must first be able to concentrate on doing one simple thing for 25 yards or even less in a quiet pool.
During our practice I was able to not only make corrections to form, but also to leave a much larger lesson: Your goal on each rep is not only to improve a motor skill; it’s to strengthen your capacity to hold one thought.
By the way, my own swimming received a striking benefit. When I wasn’t observing, I swam behind Dmitry and Sergey, practicing the same skills and testing my own focus. (I [passed that test–a result of tireless practice.)
At the beginning I took 13 strokes for 25 yards. Then my count improved to 12 strokes. And a few times I crossed the pool in 11 strokes. Before we got out I had to test this efficiency on a continuous 50.
First 25, 12 strokes. Flip turn and pushoff. 2nd 25, 12 strokes for a total of 24 strokes for 50 yards.
I hadn’t swum 50 yards in fewer than 25 strokes in several years. I was so pleased I immediately swam another to see if I could repeat it. Voila, I did.
Very happy laps indeed.

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