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2022-2-4 23:35| 发布者: admin| 查看: 847| 评论: 71 |原作者: iswim

There's no denying underwater dolphins are one of the most important skills for competitive swimming. Using the original wearable, you can start to hone in on the perfect size and rate of your underwa ...
There's no denying underwater dolphins are one of the most important skills for competitive swimming. Using the "original wearable", you can start to hone in on the perfect size and rate of your underwater dolphins.
Why do it:
Too big, too small, too slow, too fast... are all problems with learning proper race rates for underwater dolphins. This simple method will help you determine just the right combination.
How to do it:
1 - Set the Tempo Trainer at a base rate to start. We're using 1:00. Have the swimmer match the rate with a forward kick on every beep. We'll go a set of 25s for this test.
2 - Give the swimmer a number of kicks for each length for consistency.

3 - Have the swimmer match the rate as they transition to swimming. It may be too slow, but will add some additional teaching for the swim.
4 - Reduce the time of the Tempo Trainer by 5/100ths every few lengths. We go from 1:00 to 0:95 to 0:90... all the way down to 0:75.
How to do it really well (the fine points):
Watching the swimmer as well as the swimmers feel will be your first indicator of the best rate, but ultimately, time will be the most important.
Time each length, and determine when the swimmer starts to break down with too fast of a rate. Back the Tempo Trainer back a step or two, or increase the length of the swim. Experimenting and keeping track of the times will be key.
If you'd like to pick up a few Tempo Trainers of your own, go to www.finisinc.com and use couple code "goswim" to save some money.

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