[初阶泳者] (教学资料)95%的游泳者常犯的7个错误

猪八戒 发表于 2009-3-22 20:45:53
9539 1

1 用身体训练而不用脑子

2 动作更快而不是滑行更长

3 出手过早

4 往前看而不是往下看
身体的位置是游泳中最重要的因素。它决定了你产生了多大的阻力,你的动作有多快与你能滑行得多好。大多数的游泳者学自由泳的时候,头部朝前看,这是很自然的反应。要想身体在水中保持平衡,头需要向池底看。这会保持臀部和腿靠近水面 ,由此而减少阻力,你会滑得更顺畅更有效。

5 身体扁平而不是对称滚动
想像一下,一艘很大的平底船,在水中行驶非常缓慢,因为它产生了阻力。然而一艘很长的,流线体的V型远洋轮船能以每小时34海里(40英里)的速度行驶两个周。与我们的想法相反,游泳不是肚子底上进行的运动,它是通过身体的左右对称滚动而前进。所以你要考虑怎样地减少阻力,提高速度与动力。观察一下菲尔普斯的自由泳,你会注意到菲尔普斯的身体滚动开始于臀部,然后传输到了肩膀(a.k.a shoulder roll )

6 低肘划水

7 用手引导回臂


  The 7 Biggest Mistakes 95% of Swimmers Make  

1. Training harder instead of smarter  
Most amateur swimmers train consistently for weeks, months and even years and not see an improvement in their times. Most often, this happens because their goal in training is to swim further or harder than the previous week. Swimming is a unique sport because the biggest improvement comes from reducing drag and not increasing strength or stamina. Train to improve your technique, not your strength or endurance.  
2. Stroking faster not longer  
The common thinking among new swimmers is that to go faster, you must kick and pull faster. While this is partly true, the greatest improvement in speed will come from travelling further each stroke.  
So if your travelling further for each stroke but still holding the same stroke rate, you'll be swimming faster with less effort.  
3. Pulling through too early  
Just like a batter who swings too early and miss hits the ball, a swimmer who pulls through too early will miss much of the water. Once your hand enters the water, allow it to stay high near the surface as you glide forward, and once you feel yourself losing forward momentum, begin your pull through  
4. Looking forward and not down  
Body position is the most important factor in swimming. It determines how much drag you produce, how quickly you can stroke and how well you glide. Most new swimmers begin by swimming freestyle with the head looking forward because it's the natural thing to do. For the body to be balanced in the water, the head needs to be looking towards the bottom of the pool. This will bring the hips and legs closer to the surface which reduces drag and allows for a smoother more efficient stroke.  
5. Swimming flat and not rotating from side to side  
Imagine a big flat barge moving through the water and how slow it travels because of the amount  of resistance it creates. Compare that to a long and streamlined ocean liner with a V shaped hull  which can travel for more than 2 weeks at over 34 knots (40 mph). Contrary to what many think, swimming is not performed on the stomach. It is done by rotating from side to side. This is how you reduce drag and generate speed and power. Look at Michael Phelps' freestyle and you will notice he rotates beginning with the hips and following through all the way to his shoulders (a.k.a shoulder roll).  
6. Pulling through with a dropped elbow  
The biggest weakness in 95% of swimmers stroke is the dropped elbow in the pull through. This is a result of weak shoulders and bad practice. A proper pull through will start with bringing the fingertips to point at the bottom of the pull while keeping the elbow high, and then pulling through using your entire forearm.  
7. Leading the arm recovery with the hand  
In all elite swimmers, you'll notice their arm recovery is relaxed and with a high elbow. This is acheived by leading with the elbow and not the hand, as most amateur swimmers will do. The key is to be relaxed, keep a high elbow and enter the hand early in the water, just past the head.  

                                    来源          www.effortless-swimming.com
崇武西丁小鱼 发表于 2009-3-22 23:15:24
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游泳科学:优化水中运动表现的技术、体能、营养和康复指导 是全面展现游泳运动科学知识与运动表现提升的专业指导书。全书从游泳运动的发展历程、科研发现、装备与技术革新,以及这项运动所涉及的运动员生理、心理和技术层面的理论与实践讲起,通过科学图表与数据分析,将优化游泳运动表现的重要方面——技术、体能、营养和康复进行了细致地讲解。书中还重点介绍了游泳训练的方法,包括泳池训练和陆上训练两部分,旨在帮助游泳教练、运动员及爱好者形成标准化的训练体系,有效提升游泳运动表现。
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