[中阶泳者] 如何游自由泳 屈臂划水和高肘移臂的教程 直臂划臂会给你的肩膀造成负担

isport 发表于 2012-10-14 11:39:54
37434 31
How to Swim Bent arm freestyle
如何游自由泳 屈臂划水和高肘移臂的教程

When swimmers first learn how to swim freestyle, they’re often taught to swim with straight arms because it’s more simplistic. Swimming with a bent-arm recovery can take a lot of concentration because you’re multi-tasking, but once you get the hang of it, it’s important to learn bent-arm freestyle – especially when swimming for long durations. This iSport lesson will show you how to swim bent-arm freestyle.
游泳者先学习如何游自由泳时,他们常常被指导做直臂划水,因为它更简单。因为你多样的学习所以游泳是弯曲手臂可以让他们的链接起来,一旦你掌握窍门,特别长的持续自由泳屈臂将让你感觉很特别。这课会教你如何游自由泳 屈臂划水和高肘移臂。


不错。。。  发表于 2012-10-15 10:30


零度的J 发表于 2016-8-31 15:18:08

移臂,是一只手2次划水之间的过渡,讲究惯性圆滑,也是另一只手划水动作的副产品,讲究无意识。 好的移臂是没有存在感的移臂。和手臂形状无关。
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-14 11:42:48
Swimming with straight arms can be quite strenuous on your shoulders because as you pull through the water, a lot of pressure is applied to your arm. It is also more difficult to properly rotate your body while swimming with straight arms. Over time, this can lead to common swimming injuries, including tendonitis, rotator cuff issues, and impingements in your shoulders. To ease the stress on your shoulders, swim with a bent-arm recovery.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-14 11:47:48
When swimming with bent arms, it is important to rotate your body. Push off the wall and begin side-kicking. Place one arm in front of you, and one arm at your side. Roll to your side so the armpit of your extended arm is facing the floor. With the arm that is resting on your side, slowly begin to recover. Point your fingertips down toward the bottom of the pool. Lead with the back of your hand, and point your elbow up toward the sky. Make sure you don’t swing your arm out wide as you do so. Instead, tuck your arm in close to your body. Your hand should be moving in a straight line.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-14 11:51:24
As you place your recovering arm into the water, stretch your hand in front of you. Pull with your other arm as you rotate onto your other side. When you pull, pretend there is a barrel in the water that is floating on it’s side. Wrap your arm around that barrel, and push it behind you. This is called “hugging the barrel.” This position should cause your arm to bend on your pull, and grip the water with your forearm.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-14 11:52:14
After you push the water past your hip, you should once again be on your side.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-14 11:55:19
If you’re having trouble getting the hang of bent-arm freestyle, practice drills that emphasize your recovery and pull: The 6-count switch, catch-up freestyle, fingertip drag, and zipper drill can all help highlight proper arm position in bent-arm freestyle. If you need to work on your pull, put on some paddles. This will help you get a good feel for the water and will assist you in feeling - and correcting - your mistakes.
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-14 11:56:39
Swimming bent-arm freestyle can be a lot to think about. But in the long-run, it will help you avoid shoulder injury and strengthen your pull. Just remember to rotate as you use this technique!
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-14 11:57:18
Here's a review of how to swim bent-arm freestyle:
 楼主| isport 发表于 2012-10-14 12:01:39
Roll your body.
On your recovery, keep your hand low over the surface of the water. Maintain a high elbow, low hand. Leading with the back of your hand, your hand should be close to your body and moving in a straight line.
As you place your hand in the water, begin the pull with your other hand as you roll to your other side.
As you pull, pretend you are hugging a barrel with your arm. Keep a stiff forearm and push the water past your hip.
Once you’re fully rotated to your side, begin your recovery and repeat.
To practice bent-arm freestyle, practice drills that focus on the pull and recovery – or put on some paddles.
舞笑 发表于 2012-10-14 12:13:49
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