
聒噪的乌龟 发表于 2010-8-17 18:39:09
23349 7


在GoSwim工作的好处之一就是我们可以欣赏许多一些优秀游泳运动员的视频。看了一段时间后,一些图像和动作模式就印入了我们的脑海,于是当我们回到泳池(进行实践)后我们就很自然地运用起印在脑海里的那些图像。 这其中的一个例子就是布兰登·汉森的蛙泳高肘抱水。

前几天我们进行蛙泳练习,恼人的事儿也随之而来。每划一下我就会用我的胳膊去碰泳道线,可是总是差那么一点点就碰到我的肘。我们一起不停地练习,可是就是无法靠近中心线,或者我们的胳膊总是碰到一起。 但是今天,每划一下,我的胳膊都会擦着(graze,擦,hit,碰,有区别)泳道线。考虑到我做的动作有问题,我开始更加注意这方面的动作并意识到这种碰线动作意味着我总是用我以前练习的方式把水联系在一起。(这句话太难翻了,等有更好的结果再修正,暂时按字面意思翻)




1. 在这步练习里,你不必要求游进速度太快。这样的话,当你碰线的时候,你就不会擦线太频繁。 你所要做的只是用你胳膊简单地碰线。为了完成这个动作,我们绑上chute(就是视频里蓝色的降落伞式的东西),pull buoy(背板,或拉力浮标,在视频里怎么看不到?)和手浆(手板),这样能用上劲儿,但同时降低了失误和速度。

2. 尽可能靠近泳道线。如果你分手的幅度过于狭窄,你就会好离泳道线非常近。如果你分手很宽,你就会离泳道线远一些。

3. 胳膊开始向后划的时候,确保你的肘碰到泳道线,或者至少与它们有接触。就这样。这个快捷又简单的练习会在你以后的每个练习中都会用到。


你的胳膊在哪儿触线也很重要。你可以用你的前臂或者是你的肘下方触壁。 用你胳膊的背部(?)或肱三头肌触线完全是两码事。 你也许还可以戴上一个节奏训练器来提醒你自己保持节奏。

 楼主| 聒噪的乌龟 发表于 2010-8-17 18:39:43
Breaststroke - Elbow Hit
Posted by Glenn Mills on Oct 26, 2007 08:06AM (8,013 views)
One of the perks of working at Go Swim is that we get to watch A LOT of video of some really great swimmers. After a while, certain images and movement patterns get imprinted into our heads, and when we head back to the pool it's only natural that we carry those images with us. One example is the image of Brendan Hansen's high-elbow breaststroke catch.
The other day, we were pulling breaststroke, and this annoying thing started to happen. On every stroke, I'd hit the lane line with my arm, very close to my elbow. We pull side by side, so we can't go near the centerline or we'll hit arms. But on this day, on each stroke, my arm would graze the lane. Thinking I was doing something wrong, I started to focus a bit more on this and realized that this HIT meant I was connecting with the water in the way I'd been working on.

Why Do It:

Having your elbows high on the outsweep and pullback of the arms should give your hands and forearms better purchase on the water. This allows you to draw the body forward. Your arms will be pulling sooner, and in a more direct line.

How to Do It:

1. In this instance, you'll probably want to go fairly slow. That way, when you HIT the lane, you won't be scraping too much across it. All you want is simple contact with your arm. To accomplish this, we strapped on the chute, pull buoy, and paddles. This adds to the power, but slows the turnover and velocity.

2. Stay as close to the lane-line as you need to. If your pull is narrow, you'll be very close. If your pull is wider, you can be farther away.
3. As you start to pull your arms back, make sure you've HIT the lane line, or at least made contact with it. That's about it. This quick and easy drill is something you can implement in EVERY practice.

How to Do It Really Well (the fine points):

WHERE your arm impacts the lane is also important. You'll want to make sure you're hitting the lane with your FOREARM, or part of your arm BELOW the elbow. Hitting with the back of your arm, or triceps isn't the same thing. You may also want to wear a Tempo Trainer to remind yourself to keep a consistent rhythm.

Throw in a length or two of fast, or sprint breaststroke pull to make sure you're transferring that feeling of connection into a more appropriate hand speed.
柴斯菲德伯爵 发表于 2010-8-18 11:00:29
魏冬冬166 发表于 2011-6-26 00:00:32
youyong 发表于 2011-7-25 17:31:02
厦门游泳社区 一切皆有可能
吴念 发表于 2012-5-15 10:26:04
水井坊专卖 发表于 2012-11-12 14:24:38
1234zxcvQ 发表于 2016-6-30 21:38:39
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游泳科学:优化水中运动表现的技术、体能、营养和康复指导 是全面展现游泳运动科学知识与运动表现提升的专业指导书。全书从游泳运动的发展历程、科研发现、装备与技术革新,以及这项运动所涉及的运动员生理、心理和技术层面的理论与实践讲起,通过科学图表与数据分析,将优化游泳运动表现的重要方面——技术、体能、营养和康复进行了细致地讲解。书中还重点介绍了游泳训练的方法,包括泳池训练和陆上训练两部分,旨在帮助游泳教练、运动员及爱好者形成标准化的训练体系,有效提升游泳运动表现。
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