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  • GOSwim   admin 780 0 2021-5-10 09:51
    Focus just on Kelsi’s hands and wrists in this clip. Notice that Kelsi’s hands are always in motion. They never get stuck at any point in the stroke cycle. Notice that Kelsi leads with the top of th ...……
  • GOSwim   admin 900 0 2021-5-3 10:46
    The head, which is made of Styrofoam and costs about $10, is a visual aid that makes your demonstrations more effective. It takes the pressure off of you as the teacher and...surprisingly...takes the ...……
  • GOSwim   admin 931 0 2021-5-3 10:44
    So your favorite thing is one eye breathing. So staying low. So let's just kind of focus on that. What I mean, we just got done talking about the, the, the low breath. So have you ever tried to breath ...……
  • GOSwim   admin 799 0 2021-5-2 20:01
    Scott Tucker has the lowest, most hidden breath we've ever seen.Except you can barely see it.Don't blink as you watch this silent clip.……
  • GOSwim   admin 803 0 2021-5-2 20:00
    Learning a low breath helps to keep you balanced in freestyle. By avoiding going UP to air, your body will have a lower profile, spend less time going up and down, and more time going forward.When you ...……
    GOSwim   admin 2096 0 2021-4-26 08:30
    Freestyle Swim Lesson #1:#8232; Breath Control and Rhythmic Breathing http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNDE5NDIwMDgwMA==/v.swfWhen we watch someone with a good freestyle stroke, it’s easy to g ...……
  • GOSwim   admin 635 0 2021-4-25 08:23
    When learning body balance and swimming, one of the most important skills to learn is how to stand up from the floating position.There are a couple of key things to remember, your eyes and your feet.L ...……
  • GOSwim   admin 670 0 2021-4-25 08:22
    To really master rhythmic breathing, let’s really look at the inhale and exhale while doing standing bobs.Our swimmer has his mouth slightly open, but you can see there is no air coming out of the mo ...……
  • GOSwim   admin 645 0 2021-4-25 08:21
    If your pool has low or wash over gutters, some people find it easier to get out at the side or end of the pool.One method of climbing out is the twist. Use the leverage of both arms to start to lift ...……
  • GOSwim   admin 568 0 2021-4-25 08:20
    One of the first things you'll learn as a new swimmer is to gloat on your stomach.It's such an important skill that Olympian Brad Tandy practices it every time he goes to the pool.Check out his techni ...……
  • GOSwim   admin 634 0 2021-4-20 14:38
    For beginning swimmers, everything is new -- even how to get in and out of the pool.Here are tips for a seated entry.……
  • GOSwim   admin 609 0 2021-4-19 18:14
    Nose clips are the secret weapon of many elite backstrokers. They can help you control and improve many aspects of your underwater dolphins and breakouts. They're worth a try!……
  • GOSwim   admin 612 0 2021-4-19 09:02
    Here's something you can think about on any backstroke length or set to develop the shoulder pop that makes for a great backstroke breakout. Over a decade ago as we were starting the Drill of the W ...……
  • GOSwim   admin 723 0 2021-4-12 20:46
    When you're allowed to use fins to go fast in freestyle... USE them!Why do it: Using fins to help you go faster in freestyle isn't just about going faster, it's sometimes about learning how to drive ...……
    GOSwim   admin 753 0 2021-4-12 20:45
    Here's a very quick drill that works on many small aspects of your swimming.Why do it: This is a good intense drill that encourages quick flips. When looking further at the drill, to do it well will ...……



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